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Monday, May 18, 2009

We were like SO SO SO angry with our contractor!!!!
By right, my house shd be DONE by 15th May2009!!!!
Okie... The reno started on 23rd April 2009....
& The contractor did say that he will need 3 weeks to finish my whole house reno...
But what the hell lah... We went checking 2 times per week after 23rd... Alright, The first week was okie... He hacked the kitchen existing cabinet, lay the kitchen tiles, paint the whole house ( except master bedroom), done my 2 toilets( 1/2 ways).... & Thats it!!!
Throughout the next 2 weeks, its STILL THE SAME!!! & Hubby did call the contractor ( Jason) lotsa of times asking him hows everything, & he alwuz reply making in process in the factories!!! & Hubby did give him all the measurement on time ( the washing machine, fridge measurement, the fonts that I want to put on my toilet door) & everything, including paying him on time, but reno STILL not done last friday, 15th May!!!!!
That time, I told Jason that I will arrange for my furniture & electrical appliances to be in on 23rd May 2009... & he was like very confidently saying that "23rd!!! Too late le lah, The reno shd have been done by then, mebbie u shd arrange earlier..."
So, okie... I arrange on the 16th May 2009 for everything to arrive... & what the heck, reno still not done!!!
We were so super fed up with Jason & called him on last Thursday.14th May, & rushed all the way down to his office... wanna to question him actually... Cuz its already 14th May, & kitchen cabinet still not up( in fact, my whole kitchen is still empty, with only the floor... Yah... empty in the sense of only 4 walls & tiles), both toilets spray guns, mirrors, door, glass divider not done, my masterbedroom not yet paint, my lighting not yet install, my mirrors not done, curtain rods not install yet.. so many things to be done, & its like only a day left!!!!
As he was not in the office & he is unable to rush down, we meet him at our house the next day, 15th May... This time round, we were supposed to meet at 8.30pm & he was late for 30mins... Hubby was super angry... We waited from 8-8.30pm & he haven reach... So, hubby locked the door & we went to the mart beside to have a drink... Hubby wanna Jason to have a taste of waiting for us... & Indeed Jason called at ard 9pm, saying he has reach... Den, Hubby told him that it was supposed to be 8.30 rite... So, since he was late, hubby said he went home to shower & asked Jason to wait for an hour....
Okie.. U may think that we were being v unreasonable & whats wrong with waiting for him for 30mins right???!!!
What the hell....We meet him 3 times...
1st time---> We waited for a FREAKING 2 Hours
2nd time---> We waited for a BlOODY 1 hour plus...
So, u noe why we were being so pissed off already lah!!!
Anw, I told hubby to go back to the house & settles he stuff fast lah...
So we headed back... & had a discussion wif him... & We were well prepared then, as we had came up with a contract asking Jason to sign... In the contract, we stated that the turnover ate must be on _______, if not he gonna compensate us 5% everyday he excced of the total amt...
Jason was shocked & asked us who came up with the contract, den Hubby wanna intimidate him & replied that we had a lawyer frenz... Jason did sign & amended some of the terms that we stated ( we agreed), He said that 5% is too much for him... So, nvm...we change to $100 per day....
That was the contract part... & we finalise on the day to be 26th May for everything to be done ( except for touching up)... Throughout the discussion, Jason was so stress of the datelines... We told him that we were not been unreasonable again...& had asked him what is he doing for the whole 2 weeks.. & he did admit that its his fault... So, he will try to compensate us... So, hubby decided to "A" on the mirror... The mirror costs ard $900 & we dun intend to pay him that....
But, whats annoying me is the KITCHEN CABINET... Previous owner had a kitchen cabinet already, but it was too short, like occupying 3/4 of the kitchen only... Hence, we did telll Jason that we wanna extend the cabinet to the whole kitchen... & It was him whosay that its very not worth to juzt extend & he recommend us to hack the existing one & do a new one... So, we agreed... & now he said that in our package, the cabinet is oni 3/4 length & so in between my fridge & cabinet... There will be an EMPTY SPACE!!! Gosh... It will be so ugly lah... I told him, I dun care cuz it is realli ugly looking in that way.. & we told him that we wanna haf a full cabinet e very first time we met & in his 3d pictures of the kitchen, its a full cabinet that he drew & now he said its oni 3/4!!!! Its like, if he mentioned this earlier, we can top up the money to make it into full... But now... Its like so LATE lah...I dun wana give in!!!! So, in the end Jason cae up with an idea of making the empty space into sumthing like a bar for me... Alrite, that was acceptable...
We will be moving in this friday, Everything else, except my kitchen will not be done till 26th May 2009, will be ready... This is because he is realli doing nothing for e whole 2 weeks lah... ( Mebie he has other bigger project to do, so he is earning more on that side & neglect this), The table & the cabinet is done... Only got to wait for my granite top, the tempered glass on the wall & the breakfast tempered glass shelves to be up a week later from today.. as he said that all this 3 can only be ordered today (18th may) after the table & the cabinet is done as this 3 items got to be measured & cut to fit the cabinet... We were so angry lah... cuz we thought that the cabinet & table, by right, shd have been done & the 3 items shd have been measured long ago alreadi mah... Whatever lah... super unhappy with his doing things....
Anw, that was all about the reno... Next is the furniture...
ARGH..... was so so so angry oso.... we were waiting for the furnitures the whole day at the house on Saturday...Cuz we haf 3 suppliers...
The sofa that came is so so so so very chio, which makes us happie lah, but the small cushion tat came with it was a (-_-)"'.... I ordered 3 black small plain cushion & it came 2 small cushion. 1 ugly dull red & another brown with chinese wording " lai er fu etc etc etc" Kns lah... so unmatch wif my chio sofa... Of cuz we wanna them to take back & get us 3 PLAIN BLACK CUSHION lah.... Crazy ah.. Think I will accept!!!
Then, the dining table... The dinin table is chio oso... But the chairs arent!!!Okie.. the chair is chio but the legs of the chairs arent... It was rusty lah!!!! What the hell... Of cuz we rejected lor....
Next the shoe rack... again!!! The mirror of the shoe rack has a crackat the corner!!!!! Of cuz lah... CHANGE!!!!
Up is my dressing table.. This is the power one!!!! Okie.. including this, all I mention above came from the same supplier.... The item was supposedly to be deliver on 16th May rite... I did call all supplier 3 times before to double cfm everything since 2-3 weeks before ah... I got a call from a lady on 15th May, a day before... Telling me that my dressing table paint will come off after some times as I will put my cosmetics & blah blah blah on top ( I req for a spray of black glossy paint as I had searched thru their whole warehouse plus catelogue, but cant find a black dressing table to match wif my furnitures, Hubby paid an extra of $80 for spraying), so I asked e lady y the paint will come off leh? She replied saying that she dunno, the workers told her that... Den, I replied telling her that I dun mind, I can buy a spray can myself to spray if the paint came off.... Den, she say isnt it too troublesome for mi... I told him nvm... I want a black dressing table means I want a black one!!! She say she try to find a black one for mi... den i told her I search their whole warehouse & to no avail wor.. & she asked mi wat about a walnut 1.. of cuz I dun want lah...den i said i wan a black one to be deliver the next day, & thats it!!!!
After hanging the phone, I told hubby t check throughly on the dressing table when it arrives the next day... As I tink the lady was trying to psycho mi to change to annother walnut colour 1 not to spray it.. so I noe they cfm haven spray my table!!!!
& Its true lah!!! I recd a call from e lady in the noon on 16th May, she said that the dressing table was not dry yet... Gosh, Hubby was super angry & told him that we did order so early & called to cfm with them so many time & its their fault, & said he wanna it the day no matter what & hang the phone!!!
Den, a guy called... he said that the dressing table had not dry yet & its impossible to send as we will cfm reject it when we saw it... So, hubby question him asking why did they oni spray the day before its been delivered... & I asked the guy what did the order form stated? Does it stated Black glossy paint to be spray?He said Yesh. & when did I called? He say he dunno.Den, I told him I can tell him when did I call lor.. I called 3 times altogether, each a week... & Its not our fault & asked him how is he gonna compensate us... Hence, in the end, e 80 bucks is been waived off.... & the faulty items to be send together with the dressing table on this friday evening....
Next up is another supplier.. They are alrite .. Just that my girl's bed, one of the dolphin has a white line.. & asked them to change the dolphin e cuming friday too.... Quite satisfied with this supplier...
After that, the samsung delivery... Gosh... I bought from Harvey Norman, & the guy told him that samsung will ask their man to cum to mount the tv on the wall for my from 1-3pm.. & we waited & waited.. till 5pm den they came... Ws very pissed off throughout the waiting.. cuz the Harvey norman guy cant reach the coordinator at all the the hours & we dunno when the service man will reach, dun expect us to wait till 8 or 9pm...
Anw, the samsung serviceman finally reach at 5pm & mount the tv for us... But the tv does not come with the wire, so I went to the mart beside to get it.. Meanwhile, Hubby sae our bed, bedframe & coffeetable arrive at the same time... So, hubby ws too distracted & abit confusing to check here & there & he forgot about the warrenty card for the tv... I tot the serviceman muz like hand them to us personallly... Nope.. They did not.. They even just throw all the plastic & cardboard in my living room....So, I got to throw them myself beside the chute outside at the lift dere...
Everything settled like till 7pm... & we washed up & go for our dinner.. It was till Amk den hubby remember about the warrenty card for the tv lah... Hence, we rushed back lah, if not what if its not in our house & its in the carboard & will be realli discard away by the sweeper... We rushed back to find.. cant find in our house... & so we go n search from the cardboard which I discarded... Gosh... The warrenty was so nicely trapped in between of the corners of the cardboard, that if u wun notice that if u neva digged into it... Luckily... But I wld say its not easy... & we finally have a house of our own...
Yesh, we are young.. But we will not be bully so easily... & Im very happy & satisfied with what I have now!!!

~ { 10:45 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, May 7, 2009

We will be going to the law firm tml... To discuss with the lawyer the compensation & blah blah blah regarding the accident... This things has drag till now since January.. The assistant was supposedly to ask us down for an interview with the lawyer... She said she sent a letter to us for the interview... BUT...But...but... WE DID NOT RECD THAT!!! & she did not even get back to us when we did not report at the law firm on that specifc date in JAN... Oh man!!! What the hell is she doing??!!!
Im gonna question the assistant tml...
We knew about the interview all because hubby called the law firm & actually wanna inform them about our change of address!!! What the hell lah!!! Just what are them doing...

~ { 5:05 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Just another family outing....
We prepared & went back to our new house in the morning to meet our contractor... Purpose is to pass him the lightings that we bought...
& Did I mention that we REALLY spend like a thousand at IKEA???!!! Oh my, got a shock that we indeed spend that much dere... Okie.. I lay this amt for Ikea, but tot mebbie we wun spend that much & can use the leftovers money for other stuff like Sheng Siong or electrical appliances... Argh.. Nvm....
Anw, after meeting the contractor, we went to IMM... Had Burger King... Went Daiso & spend another $60!!!!
Dun be mistaken.. we are not those spendthrift person... We bought those items that we need...
After combing the mall ( Its boring lah)... I suggested to hubby to go to Kranji Resort... I wanna see how has it changes, as in how developed it is by then....
Disappointing lah... Its THE SAME!!!!
Only to have an extra prawning pond there.....

Arent Princess Xuan looks pretty in this photo? In fact, she looks very pretty in lots of photos below....hahahaha... Dun believe? See for urself...
Side track abit, Princess Xuan saw me tying my hair, & she INSISTED that she wanna tied a pony tail too... lol...

its like so fresh right? We went to check the prices for the seafood... But the boss dun seem to answer my question... hence, we gave up on eating dere...
hubby saw this & went drooling.... His fav lah... & the size is so big.. BIGGER den the one we ate at Vivo...

I love Princess Xuan's dress

They are looking at this bird nest with no birds or eggs inside...
We shared this Ribena Ice... Very shiok to eat on a hot day!!! Xuan & me sucked dry the Ribena juice & let hubby eat the plain ice....hahaha
She is pretty....Okie.. i will try to be humble... No obligations..i say try only!!!!

Xuan asked me to take a picture of her sandals... (-_-)"'
Okie.. They are looking at Birds again.. This time round, the parrots!!!
Then, off we fled to BottleTree... I know we are boring.. Similar places, similar theme...Singapore is boring.... No?! Okie... Singapore is safe!!!

This is Bottletree restaurant, we had our dinner dere....Nice ambience& delicious food!!!

I love this picture to the max.... No random strangers behind... My girl is so cute & natural... Nice scenery!!! Perfect... Of cuz its taken by me lah!!! Who else....*winks*

She poses this herself... No.. I swear I did not ask Xuan to pose like a dinosaur....

Lots of Lobster inside... I wished I can have one..mebbie one is not enuff, okie two... Erm, or 3....Aiyah... If only....

This picture of Xuan is very sweet too...

Okie.. Its dinner time... Both Hubby & me wanted to have porridge act... But Xuan saw the big live seafood & she insisted on eating CRABS.... She say she wanna eat crabs & wanted nothing else... I dun agree to Xuan but Hubby, on the other hand simply loves her girl too much, goes her way & gave the green light... Argh... He really pampered her too much le lah...
I dun agree in pampering Xuan so much lah, thou I also love her alot, so I told her mummy got no money le.... & Gosh... Xuan say nvm... Daddy has money.. *fainted*
Hence, in the end... we had our dinner here...Thanks to Xuan & daddy... ( I love crabs, but mebbie I tot another time, as we had realli spend too much for the past month for our new home)

The food is so delicious lah, esp the BIG CRABS... So sweet & tender!!! Serving is big too.... But some things are abit overpriced... Nevertheless, a very yummilicious dinner!!!
We had tried crabs from many places... Amk for many times, Long Beachx2, jumbo Seafoodx2, BottleTreex1 etc... I think Bottletree has the best Black Pepper Crab... Amk has the nicest Bee Hoon Soup Crabs...Chilli crab erm... I dunno wor... As after I had black pepper, I dun realli eat chilli crab anymore....
After our dinner, we went prawning at the same place... BottleTree is big...

It has been so long since we went home in the midnight alreadi...

~ { 11:51 AM }
reflections of you and me;