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Monday, April 27, 2009

Finally.... We are going to Ikea Tampines later....
Of cuz this time... Its different!!! Because FINALLY & AT LAST we are able to BUY the stuff... & Its not 1 or 2 things... Its MANY!!!!
Hahahaha... I have prepared a thousand for the shopping spree at Ikea... However, I dun think we will be spending that much over there.... In any case, that amt will be fully used for whatever item for our home sweet home...
We might use that to buy electrical appliances if there are leftovers money supposedly lay for the Ikea spree...
& Im so happie & so glad that my girls are so nice lah!!! Love your to the bits... They are so nice that they wanna pass me the vouchers for Courts or Harvy Norman first to let me buy some of the things for my housewarming... As they felt that I actually need the vouchers before my housewarming...
Dun they know me better???!!!!
They really understand me wor!!!!
Next time when ur cum over for stayover, dun worry.. I will cook a very sumptuous meal for all of you!!!!
& yah... My girls... Im refering to bestie lor---> Audrey, Xiu, Vien & Beryl!!!!!

~ { 12:39 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Im so so worry for the Swine Flu...
Please please please Let that Flu Disappeared ASAP!!!
Very random... Just my thoughts at the moment...
Anw, Gucci or Burberry Blue Label???!!!!
hahahaha... I bet only Audrey & Vien knows y???
Lets forget about Agnes B for the time being!!!!! hahahaha....

~ { 12:39 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Just some random pictures we took at Tampines one last Saturday...
I asked Hubby to take a picture of Princess Xuan & NEVA did I expect him to take a SUPER BIG HEAD photo!!!! See lah, My head is so big....Lol....
Anw, the mall is so packed on a weekend... I wanna to go in Queen's Ave to see the bag but its so acked inside the shop... I only managed to see some of their agnes B collection... I will be back with Audrey to get it!!! hahaha.... Its only a matter of time.... (",)
Very randomly...
We have got all the door knobs which our contractor need... Besides that, we have bought all the switches too.... We went all the way to Jalan Besar to get them wor... Actually, we went to The Plaza to redeem a gift from Diners Club... Den, we were supposed to go to Jalan Sultan to search for our door knob... But, we cant find the exact location for the shop " Shanghai tong" ( okie, we are able to find the street Jalan sultan only).... Hence, we gave up & decided to search forour switch first... Fortunately, we found a shop selling affordable door knob too...
You must be wondering why must we travel all the way to Jalan Besar to get the switches rite??? hahahaha... Its way cheaper lah!!!! Cheaper by over $10 hor... FOR A SWITCH, fyi... Hence, I bought 9 switches... & I paid $63 for them... Therefore, we saved a total of ard $60!!!! Fyi, different switches have different prices... Its just a roughly guide... We bought grey switches to match with the design of our home...

Arent Princess Xuan pretty with her head band??? Hubby bought for her at Vivo earlier on...lol... There are 2 braids summore.. Cute hor??!!

Hubby alwuz wanna try new flavour of drinks... & IT alwuz turn out very AWFUL!!!! He sae he wanna try the Macha Latte... Argh... It taste like green tea with milk....lol...
I still prefer Princess Xuan's choice of drink.... Hot Chocolate!!!
& her chocolate mousse...

See, Princess Xuan is still wearing this pink hair band before we went Tampines One... She is vain hor. Quickly change to the white head band after Hubby bought for her at Vivo....

Below are some photos which we took last last Saturday.. I think so...

Anw, we went our house & checked yesterday... Cuz I wanna see how much the contractor had done to our house... They are fast... as all the stuff that was to be hacked was hacked... & they are still working on sunday... Touched wor!!! The worker told hubby that they are able to lay the floor tiles for the kitchen today already....
Hence, we are considering to go Ikea this Saturday to get the stuff that we need... But, to deliver or not to deliver by them? If only we got a lorry...lol... Den, we can save on the delivery charges by Ikea le... Argh...

~ { 12:39 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Friday, April 24, 2009

Had been spending quite alot recently... By saying alot... I mean it!!! ALOT!!!!
Anw, many friends have been asking me what do I need for my housewarming... hahaha... Ronald, Audrey, Kris etc etc.... Okie... Dun say I bu yao lian hor... I name down the things that I want... hahaha.. Litat I can save money & also get the necessary stuff that I need...
Not in order... Cuz I need them ALL!!!!! hahahaha... I mean it...
1. 19 or 21" LCD TV for my master bedroom
2. Bread Toaster ( A simple one will do, becuz I love toast bread, but dun like to toast in oven)
3. Vaccuum Cleaner.. ( I love the Phillips one, u know, that one with alot of vibrant colours one..haha)
4.The bake cake thing one... I dunno whats that call... But, its able to beat egg plus many many function.
5.Wii Set ( Princess Xuan wants this, & Hubby & me got to get for her)
6. Mahjong Table + Mahjong set...( The table I want is with green top one, better to have table with mahjong set together, kekekeke)
7. Sound Bar ( something like amplifier??? Im not sure) Because there is a free home theatre set that comes with my Plasma, But we upgrade the plasma to a better & more expensive one... The free gift becomes another one... Different free gift comes with different TV set.
8. Fruit Juice extractor ( Obviously, we want to drink fruit juice right?!)
9. Blender
10. Tower Fan or Cooler... hahaha... I want remote control one!!!! Prefer to be in metallic silver or Black
11. 3 in 1 Printer cum scanner cum Fax cum blah blah blah
12. I-squeeze or I-gallop ( to exercise, ah then)
13. Air purifies
Thats about all... I will add in if I can think of more... hahahaha... Do inform me if you are getting the things that I want wor.. Becuz I dun want to have 2 lcd tv, 2 printers, 2 blenders blah blah blah...
Most important thing is...
I love Vouchers totally!!!!

~ { 12:26 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

We got our keys yesterday...
Den we met up with our contractor this afternoon & renovation will start TML...
Hence, the renovation will takes about 3 weeks to complete...
So, tentatively, the completion date will be ard 20th May!!! We are very excited...
Besides that, we went Balestier to search for our lightings for our whole house...
The big hot sun made our job so tiring & tedious, but den it's so meaningful & everything is worthwhile when we made so much effort to create our lovely home...
Below is the lightings that we bought ( opps, no picture)
1. Princess Xuan's room... She chose the light herself...
2. Hanging lights for our dining area
3. Masterbedroom lighting
4.Spare room lighting
5. 2 lights for toilets x2
6. 2 lights for the kitchen
Therefore, we are short of standing lamp for the living room now... The door knob for 3 rooms & the main door... The switch for the whole house... The wall decals ( which seem very hard to find a nice & cheap 1... sekali I got to draw myself...haha)
Everything seem to be adding on....
Anw, many ppl have been asking me what are the things that we need for our housewarming.... hahaha... I shall come up with a list wor...

~ { 8:48 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, April 20, 2009

Princess Xuan was sick for the past few days...
I can sensed that she is unwell on last Friday when I brought her to school in the morning... She was not running any temperature at that moment... I just noticed that her lips was kinda red... Hence, I went to get "Ling Liang" for her myself at the mall once she was in the school...
Back from school, after bathing, after lunch, as usual, my girl will be watching the tv for about 1-2 hours before she will be KO...
When she was sleeping... I touched her & realise that she was quite warm... & upon checking on her temperature, it was 38.1
So, took Princess Xuan to the clinic... It was a fever virus... Common as children tend to be sick once in a while... I dunno... But heard from adults before that its part of the growing up.. They tend to "grow up" after falling sick... To what extend of growing up... erm.. I am not very sure either....
Anw, I haf a pain sore throat too... Me too, went to the clinic last Saturday.... Argh!!! Still hurting now!!!
Good news btw, the seller will be moving TODAY!!! & thus, we will be getting our key from them tml... Its tml, u know!!! Tml.... Im like so excited now... & our contractor can start on the work on Wednesday already... Im so happie that we just gt to wait for another 1 month & all will be ready... My dream house... My super chio kitchen, living room, toilet & room... hahaha...
Btw, anyone knows where to get nice beautiful wall decals? I cant find any nice one... I just need mebbie 2 pieces, request by the interior designer, to do something to my living room....
Cheap 1 of cuz... I found it somwhere but den the price is quite steep... A very small pieces & required $65... & I tink its not enuff...
Anw, our cost of the renovation keep on increasing as we keep on adding things... hahahaha...

~ { 11:30 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Oh my!!! I think hubby is so damn blur lah... He actually forgot to take the $20 which he had pressed from the ATM machine this morning!!!!
While he was paying for the food, hubby realised that he had forgotten to take the 20 bucks he askd me to return to the atm machine to see if its still there...
I returned ( atm machine is very near to the coffee shop) & saw an auntie withdrawing money...
Hubby asked me to go ask the auntie if she had seen the money... Aiyoh... of course the auntie will deny lah...
The auntie will be so happie de... Machiam tio 4D Ibet ah???!!!
Thou $20 is not alot, it still money leh!!!! So, hubby asked me to withdraw another 20 bucks for him....No choice right!!!
Super blur lah!!! Luckily not 5 bucks lah... Anw, Princess Xuan & me kept on disturbing him by singing " CAI SHENG DAO"
He has the cai sheng face!!!!

~ { 1:38 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Some random photos I took weeks ago.. Cant really remember when already...
Just remember that we went Bugis to get our laptop fixed... & we had the Hotpot Tom yam introduced by the Tv programme...

This served the nicest Tom yam we have tasted so far outside... The taste is just right... The hotness is just right... Everything is so delicious... But, Suer long queue & no air con as we were sitting outside... Hence, the hotness doubled both "inside" & "outside"...

We went to Suntec City for shopping after that... Had Korean dinner that night...As I was craving for the rice cakes... Erm... that meal was so full as we ordered 2 same dishes... Argh... Why didnt that waitress tell us we had ordered 2 identical stuff???!!!

Hubby & me loved their chopsticks...I even suggested to him that we should bring them home... lol..

The side dish is very nice!!!

This is actually SUPER BIG steamboat wor...The menu say for 2 pax..But we felt that its actually for 4 people!!!

Went Jalan Kayu for prata dunno when already... We ordered prata & roti John...

Okie.... Below is the entry where we went to Thomson for brunch, Amk Hub, Tagore Lane to search for all the plates & bowls, Pasir Ris for Princess Xuan to fish & Giant for dinner....& yah.. It was yesterday!!
I tel you... This was GREAT!!! & I mean it... The meat is so tender, the skin taste like jelly & it was neither too salty or blend.. The taste is just right... & It so cheap... We ordered so much & its only $16 only lah!!!
We went to TPY for Bak Kut Teh weeks ago, & it costs Hubby about $50 hor....

There are so so so many ingredients inside the soup.. & Its big serving!!! We cant even finish the mest inside...
We love to soak the You Tiao into the soup & eat it soggy... Thats our way of eating... For we, I mean Hubby, me & Princess Xuan...

Princess Xuan loves this the most... I would say this dish is really one of the best!!! I dun really like Tau Kee... But, I will give two thumbs up for this!!!
Then, we went to Tagore Lane---> Amk Hub to check on the price of lightings---> Pasir Ris
Princess Xuan is happily feeding the fishes with the $3 fishing bites...

My girl is actually fishing & she caught a fish... She was passing the rod to the in-charge & gonna to exchange for her prize which is the fighting fish in those cups which is in the following pictures!!!

Arent Princess Xuan's fringe like mine??? Lol.. Actually I was the one who cut her fringe for her... haha.. I cut hers like 2 weeks ago as the fringe is too long & kept poking her eyes... Den, it inspired me to cut my fringe, like hers too!!!! hahahaha....

Princess Xuan asks us to do a fierce face... But den, she was not fierce... She was actually CUTE!!! Argh... she bluff us..

~ { 2:53 PM }
reflections of you and me;