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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My girl is so so so cute lah!!!!
I was talking to hubby....
Me: Daddy ah, you know whats her english name mah? ( pointing to liang jing ru who is on tv)
Daddy: dunno...so what is her english name?
Me: Fish.... Her name is fish leong....
Daddy: Fish???!!!
Me: yup... F...I...S...H... Fish, as in e fish in the water... yu(2) lor!!!!
Daddy ( thinking Im super boliao): Okie... then my name is BIRD!!!
Princess Xuan, who was in between us all along watching the tv & imitating the campus superstar & liang jing ru singing, interupted....
Princess Xuan: Mummy, mummy... ( looking at me seriously)...
Wo shi Elephant!!!!!!!
Hubby & I burst into laughter!!!!
Gosh...It was so funny lah!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-The End-

~ { 3:23 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, February 23, 2009

Disappointment on Last Saturday!!!!
Supposedly to swim on a Saturday... We were so happiy & excited, especially Princess Xuan, to be able to go Chevrons for a swim after a long time.... But we only swim for 1/2 hours & it started to pour with thunder & lightning!!!! Argh......
Hence, wearing our swimsuit only ( mind you,I was in a bikini, hubby in a squarepants truck & Princess Xuan in her pink suit) & waited for the STUPID rain to stop for a freaking 2 hours lah!!!!!!!!!
So, after the 2 hours, finally Princess Xuan & hubby were persuaded by me to go and take a shower & stopped the hectic waiting for the pathetic rain to stop!!!!! Cz I dun want to wait anymore... We looked like a idoit waiting there...
Some swimmers has booked a chalet there... Hence, they are able to hide in their cosy little chalet room to wait for the sun to come out... But, we are waiting in the open hor!!!! True that we have towels on... But, towel was wet & we need to dry them as we got to use it to dry ourselves later after the shower!!!!
Anyway, just as I was saying... we went for the shower right??? & after we came out from the shower & stepped out of the washroom... Horror lah!!!!!!!!!!
We waited for a pathetic 2 hours... finally decided to be in something dry & comfy & after washing up, it stopped raining!!!
Hubby & me can see the disappointment on our precious girl's face!!!
She wanted to swim so much!!!
So, hubby might be bringing us for a swim again the coming Saturday...
Pray hard for me that it wun rain!!!!
*Anyone wanna join us for the swim???*

~ { 4:31 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, February 16, 2009

V day Celebration!!!
Hubby & me just had our anniversary celebration... Hence, our V day will be a simple 1!!!!
We went for Teochew Porridge in the morning...

Den, a little shopping at Suntec City & Marina Square...I saw so many couples wearing so nicely & formal at the mall!!! Besides that, girls are holding pretty bouquet of roses... So sweet lah!!! I even saw an old auntie holding it, you noe... I was like... Gosh... so loving & sweet... Im so jealous lah!!! hahahaha....As im not given any flowers by hubby...Argh..He sae he will rather give me roses tea wor....Argh... Wanna give him a punch lah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okie... Im alright with that... I have not receive any flower from hubby ever since we are married....lol... Nvm lah...at least I did receive from hubby before BEFORE MARRIAGE!!! *roll eyes*

I think my mouth looks weird here... I know!!! Its all because of my stupid ulcers lah!!! Its ulcerSssss hor... with the Sssss behind... Painful lah!!!

Here comes our highlight for the night!!!!
Okie...We shouldnt have come for this with so many ulcers in my mouth....hahaha...But, I just really have the cravings for this!!! So, I dun care... & I had promised Princess Xuan that her daddy & mummy will be bringing her for her favourite dish for dinner!!!
Hence, off we go to East Coast for the night!!!!!
Its my treat this time round....(",)v *Winks*
Its super crowded for the night... All the seafood restaurant is full... We had Jumbo Seafood before & hence, we decided to have dinner at Long Beach this time round... & we think that they really have the widest range of fresh seafood...

Hubby have a craving for this ever since we tried at Vivo... However,Musselious is only selling at $3.50 per oyster... But...but...but... here is selling for $10 per oyster lah... *Faint*... so, we only ordered 2 pieces... For your info, they are the SAME size hor... SAME SIZE LEH!!!!!!!!!!!! &%#^)&^$^%&*&%@#^*^&*

This is my ger favourite...She loves clam so much... I think its very tasty lah...but feel that the portion is abit small for $16/$18... Thos shell at the bottom ( with no chilli covering) is actually EMPTY shell hor!!!! The chilli is "shiok" oso lor... Besides the small portion... Its actually a delicious dish...

A simple Stir Fried Ee Mee.... I love this dish leh... But hubby find it too blend... This is normally serve at wedding dinner.. U know, 1 of those last few dishes when you are already bloated & they still served u noodles!!!! Mushroom crunchy... Noodles is nice.. Overall, a nice 1 too!!!
The main dish of the night... Princess Xuan had 2 "crab drumstick" wor...The "gong" is as big as a drumstick....lol... Princess Xuan loves them!!! So do I.... The meat is so fresh, firm & sweet lah!!! Hubby prefers Black pepper crab to Chilli crab....Im fine with anything as long as its BIG CRAB!!!! hahahaha....

Hubby dun takes dessert... So, I ordered this ice-cream Black Glutinious( Gosh, izzit spell this way???) Rice to share with Princess Xuan... The way of presentation is so beautiful... the dry ice at the bottom inside the green syrup keeps causing the smoke...Hence, in the dark surrounding, its really very nice!!!
After our dinner, we went for a walk... play at the funfair... Saw lots of couples camping at East Coast...Romantic..Romantic!!!*Giggles*

~ { 7:58 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Saturday, February 7, 2009

We are celebrating our Wedding Anniversary today!!!! As I had mentioned, I had already got hubby the present, including myself & Princess Xuan share too...
We left our place at 9.30am for breakfast first before going for our appointment at 11am....
Still wondering whats the gift that I had given to hubby?
Some hint here:
1. For de-stress
2. To relax
3. To detox
4. To have a smooth skin
The Answer is
A very good idea right?
Hubby & myself got to relax while Princess Xuan can enjoy herself in the Jacuzzi...
Anyway, our package included a body scrub, steam bath & body massage.
Hubby---> Sea Salt & Milk body scrub (40mins)
Steam bath (20mins)
Traditional Balinese massage (90mins)
Me---> Kemiri Body Scrub ( 40mins)
Steam Bath ( 20mins)
Aromatherapy massage ( 60mins)
Alright... All I can said is...
But, rather awkward initially as this is my first time for spa & massage...
We have to be half naked for the scrub & massage wor...hahahaha...
For guys, it should be no problem as they are always half-naked anyway... However, for me... hahahahaha... Okie... After a while, Im okie with that already....(",)
As for the Steam bath, Gosh... Its really steam-ing... So hot lah!!!! We were being scrub first & then steam bath is the next thing...
Hubby was asked to take a shower after his scrub before entering for the steam bath... However, for me, I was being asked to go directly for the steam bath after my scrub without having to go for shower...
Hence, Hubby commented that Im like a steam minced meat with flavouring wor... Cuz my scrub was something similar to salt too....lol... Okie.. I also have the feeling that Im like a Ba Chor....
The steam bath is really so hot that I cant stand it after 15mins & I just go for my shower...hahaha... I dun wanna to be a Chao Tar Ba Chor!!!!!
Therefore, I drag Princess Xuan to go for the shower with me... After a while, hubby cant stand the hotness too, & came in for the shower also...hahahaha...
& next is our massage... This is the shiokness lah....lol...
On a side note, Princess Xuan broke a glass accidentally... We were not asked to pay for that...
I would say that this spa provides excellent service... Good massage, nice attitude & friendly personalities of the staff...

Our Ginger tea... Taste so much like Teh Halia...Only without the milk...

The Jacuzzi that Princess Xuan plays in...

Waiting for hubby to finish his massage as he has 30mins more than me...

After everything=MESSY
After our massage & spa, we went home to prepare ourselves to go Vivocity for dinner & to get my prezzie...

Just to show off my legs... as I really think that after the scrubing & massaging, they are so smooth lah....lol...

The Fresh Oysters....
& I would say its really really SUPER fresh.... This oysters are so big & they dun have the smelly smell & taste of the fried oyster you eat in the coffee shop!!!!
Taste best with a few drops of Tabasco & lemon...

Soup of the day---> Mushroom soup... This is very yummy too!!!

Princess Xuan's Fish & Chips... Both are very crispy...
Mine Grilled Dory with T-boned Lamb... Mashed Potatoes is underneath the meat with carrots, radish & broccoli...

Hubby's Sirloin Steak with King Prawn & mashed potatoes, radish, carrots & broccoli underneath...

Mango Pudding... Very Yucky!!! Taste Awful...

We are taking photos as Hubby was chatting on the phone... Hubby's aunt sms him asking if he did buy "a number" for today 4D... Hence, we checked the result & saw that hubby has strike Starter for the number... The number came in as a 2nd prize last wednesday wor... & today, the number appeared as the starter!!!! Lucky number hor???
Hubby's grandma is even luckier because she bought the number for both last wednesday & today wor... Really very lucky right???!!! lol...

After that, we went to get my prezzie at TANGS...Hubby got me a Calvin Klein baggie... Its a plain grey baggie... I like baggie to be plain so I can match them with my clothes easily...
Den, we went Giant & shop ard & got a bubble maker for our girl...
After getting the bubble maker, Princess Xuan kept saying she wanna go home & play with that...
Hence, we brought her to the playground to play with her new toys after reaching home...

~ { 11:28 PM }
reflections of you and me;