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Friday, January 30, 2009

Photos for the CNY this year!!~
Okie...Shopping mall was so quiet, hence... We dare to take pictures in the mall.... Machiam some tourists ah...lol...

This year "he pan" is really a disappointment... No Funfair, No much attractions... Food stall was alocated/squeezed at a side... Super crowded just to buy some snacks... Wasted my trip there... Wasted a super not worth it $30 bucks to eat fried mee goreng & macaroni+ others pasar malam snacks... I can used the money to dine at any Crystal Jade La Mian Restaurant lah...
Organisers, please dun organise this such thing for the sake of organising only...Its such a waste of time & money...I mean, MY TIME & MONEY!!!!

Surprise!!!!! I cut my hair short till shoulder length!!!!
Princess Xuan biting on the shell of the king of fruit!!! I tink she has super duper hard/metal teeth to manage to bite on the shell of such a KING of fruit!!!
I hope the person below can come & knock on my door for the ox year( my year!!!!) I am 12 for your info... Taking my PSLE for this year...so wish me luck!!!! (",)v I wanna get straights A's & admit into RGS...Hahahahaha.... Okie...Mayflower is not a bad choice thou... Rite? Buddies??? hahahaha...

For your info, I got hubby 2 new tops for this year...Woo Hoo....hahaha... I dun care whether he nags at me or whatever, I just wanna get one more top for him as I REALLY feel that 1 is not enough... Thats why I went to get him another piece on last thursday after I brought Princess Xuan to school....lol...
This is the 2nd piece that I bought for him... So Vibrant...I love the combi of the colours lah...Purple....hahahaha...I bought it & so he has to wear it....
See, My hair is really short!!!

Got you!!! No lah... Din cut my hair lah!!! It just the wind..

Machiam NDP hor???

Sad to say, My red highlight faded & become orange & orange highlight faded & becomes brown!!! Argh....I know it... I know it... Cuz I have highlight red before & it becomes orange then to brown!!!
Day 2 of CNY, we went to visit hubby's grandma....


I got hubby a black top to match my dress yesterday... However, Princess Xuan insisted hubby to wear the purple ones...hahahaha... Anw, hubby is in stripes...Princess Xuan in checkered while Im in dots....lol...
Aiyoh....I love my black stockings here... So nice lah... But den now got a hole liao lah... Near my knee there... Argh...

This man here very extra lah!!!

~ { 4:46 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Mi Dear Kris.... You MUST be very touched to see this POST wor...
I SPECIALLY asked hubby to drive mi down to Bugis to buy your Birthdae prezzie wor... Cz I scared I mite not haf the time to get ur prezzie next week as Im scared everything will be v rushing & hectic!!!
Anw, Iris & I shared the gift for you... Cya next Sat for the Hengchun camp reunion chalet!!!
Okie, so as mentioned, I went Bugis for shopping den Crystal Jade for dinner & are preparing to go out again later to get sum more food for the reunion dinner....
Hubby, wat are you gonna buy for mi for our anniversary prezzie??? hahahaha...Im waiting for the surprise!!!

~ { 8:46 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Brought Princess Xuan to school todae...
Den, dere is this maid whu is bringing Xuan's classmate(boy) to school too... The maid told mi tat the boy's elder bro( a secondary school, shd be sec 1 or 2 bah, boy whu looks abit mixed) said tat he likes Princess Xuan....haha...
Cz tat time this elder bro followed the maid to bring his little bro to school too....hahaha...Tink It was like during e 1st week of school time....lol...
Mi Princess Xuan sure looks attractive ah....("x)
Okie...I noe Im getting v bhb alreadi... But, Tink tats a fact tat mi ger is a Super ChioBu...lol...("x)
Anw, I haf gt 2 sets of new year clothings for miself, 3 sets for Princess Xuan & pathetic 1 set for hubby...He dun allow mi to get more for him lah... Mi hubby is famous for his "anihow wear" attitude de... I told him no matter wat muz get 1 set for cny first dae.... If not, tink he dun even bother to get ani new clothing lah...
Now, Im preparing for our anniversary gift...(",)

~ { 2:01 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, January 19, 2009

Went Chinatown for our goodies shopping... It was act a "mai dong xi chi dong xi" trip wor... Tink we will be eating sumthing at least every few hours passed.
Mi best hubby knew that I alwuz haf a craving for Dim Sum, so he brought us to this shop to haf our brunch...
The porridge is good... & the lotus leaf rice is yummi too... Best thing is its not too ex as compared to a famous Dim Sum shop dere...

We had Pu er tea... Hubby's faourite wor...

Yesh, as I said, I colour mi hair to those darker brown version which appear like shade of purple under the sunlight... wif red & orange highlite.. Its dun seem v bright rite???!!! hahahaha.... At least I felt that this colour dun make mi hair look so dry as compared to the previous ah-lian colour wor...Look more classy wif this colour thou Im not an elegant person....hahahaha

We din buy lotsa thing as it was a last-minute decision to shop at Chinatown....
I got this so-called magic toy for Princess Xuan which was abit lame after I bought it & read the instruction inside... Lame lah!!!! Waste mi $5!!!!
U asked the toy to sit, it will sit.. asked it to dance, it will dance... In fact U ask it to sleep, sit, dance & sleep...it will obey u...Magic??? Waste mi money lah...

Hubby's favourite tea cafe...

We walked around the shopping mall & came across this dessert hut, the one shown on tv... Hence, hubby kept asking whether I wanna eat anot... hahahaha....
So, we ordered 2 to share....They haf lotsa variety act, but I oni took this page of the menu as the dessert we ate are from this page...lol

Well, mi ger spent bt $10 for the games.....
Den, we walked pass this shop & hubby suggested dinner dere... erm... Its a set dinner for 2 worth $32... Food was not bad... worth the price too...
Both hubby & mi loved the lu(3) wei(4) above... But I super super dun like the steam pork ribs below....It sucks lah....However, I like the potato hiding underneath the pork ribs....hahaha...
This fish is nice...

Tink mi Princess is very pretty...hahahaha...Opps ("x)

~ { 2:47 PM }
reflections of you and me;