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Sunday, November 30, 2008

I tink I haven been blogging lately...
First, I tot mi laptop die on mi on the next dae after mi accident... & hubby is not free wif all his courses & work to bring mi to Senoko to repair our Benq laptop...so we dragged for a week before bringing to Benq service center...
Benq service center sae our laptop was spoil, as in the motherboard was spoil...& if we wanna repair, they haf to send back to Taiwan for the spare part, as Singapore does not haf the spare part to repair mi laptop...
We went Challenger before tat, they oso sae that our motherboard was spoil... & to repair, we haf to pay like $600-$800!!!~
So, after Benq service center sae tat they wld haf to send back to Taiwan to repair.. I was like
(-_-)"'.... So, I told hubby I tink I wld rather go get a new ones... Like wats the point of bringing back to Taiwan & if they cant do it, den hw???
So, we went Sim Lim & act prepared to get a new laptop, but hubby insist to bring along our own laptop for repair at ani repair shop... We tried 2 computer repair shop, & both oso sae motherboard spoil...I tot its realli gone case alreadi... I haf to get a new laptop le...Haiz... But hubby still insist to go into another shop & try our luck... This time round... Our laptop is working.. It can be switch on wor... (okie, initially, our laptop cant be on at all)... Alamak..its not the motherboard tat is spoil lah... Its the adaptor lah... tat connect to the laptop de... Phew~ No need to spend so much le wor... Juz get a new adaptor oni...
Okie, tat happens like last week lah..lazy to blog... Todae, we went Suntec for shopping & haf our lunch at a Korean Restaurant...at the highest floor...Very yummy & cheap...
Am very pissed off by lotsa customer nowadaes...

~ { 9:27 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Hubby went to rent a car for a week starting from yest...
Princess Xuan & mi accompany hubby to petrol station to pump the petrol... Princess Xuan was so so so afraid when we gt into the car under our blk... She was so scared that she cried saying she dun want she dun want!!! Hence, I haf to console mi ger & try to calm her down...Besides that, Princess Xuan keep asking daddy to drive v v v slowly... In fact realli too slow le leh...lol... That stupid reckless black car driver realli cz us to be mentally unstable!!! Mi myself was feeling abit paranoid too... Keep hafing the flashback... Juz a little thing in the car, Mi heart will feel like dropping out!!! But, Im sure we will be alrite after sumtime...
Anw, the car that hubby rent is q comfy too, its a nissan sunny!!!
Now, we are still waiting for the report whether to repair the car or total loss for our yellow little car...But no matter wat, we wun be driving that animore... I haf a phobia for that... Nw, we are considering whether to get Hyundai or Toyota... Considering... summore, gt to within our budget too.. Hubby sae we mite get a loss of 5-6k... Haizz..gt to treat it as "po cai xiao zai" bah...Insurance claim gt to wait till bt a year to be able to get back the money from the black car driver...
This realli burnt a hole in our pockets!!! But thanz god we are safe & sound... & all the matters can be solved wif money... so, we are considered v v v v lucky oso!!!~

~ { 10:45 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The overturn of our car yesterday at the accident scene!!!~
So, u shd noe hw shocking we are now bah!!!~
I see le oso shocked lor...
Realli lucky that we had oni minor cuts!!!~
Thanks god once again...

For your info, hubby went to 4d station to bet his car number... Den, the auntie at the counter saw the number 2337... she was so curious & asked hubby hw cum so mani ppl buying the number todae...where is the number from??? Hubby replied her & sae is his car number & met wif an car accident yest.
When hubby is looking for witness yest, oni 1 helpful uncle agreed to be our witness... But, when it comes to buying 4d this type of thing, so mani kpo ppl join in...
Singaporean... Hmpf!!!~

~ { 11:40 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Thanks God!!!~ Princess Xuan, Hubby& mi are al alrite!!!~ Esp mi ger..
We met wif an car accident on 14th Nov 11sumthing pm!!!~ Hubby was driving straight act, den there is this black car cuming out from the carpark lane... I realli dunno wat the hell is that black car driver doing... She knocked onto our car...on mi side!!!!~ & hubby tried to siam from the car & I tink hubby lost control of everything & he knocked onto sumthing & our car turn sideways & turn summore slanted!!!~
I tot thats it le... Its finished le.. Im so worried for Princess xuan oso.. The first thing that cums to mi mind is whether mi ger is alrite... Den, everyone from the nearby coffee shop came to rescue us, they got Princess Xuan out first, den mi & hubby...
Alot of ppl asked us whether we are alrite... I kept asking xuan whether is she alrite, whether is she painful..did she hurt her head, her arms, her legs, her neck..does she feel giddy, wanna vomit..etc etc.. Im reali realli realli worried...
Luckily, we oni gt sum cuts on our legs.. hubby too gt sum cuts on his legs... He came to us directly after he was out of the car!!!
Some uncle sae we were realli lucky that there was actually a white car in front of us, & hubby act hit the white car... Hence, mebbie stop the pressure or watsoever, to prevent us from turning more rounds or wat... If nt, we wun be juz hafing cuts on legs.. Our injury will be serious den that... Realli thanks god.. realli thanks the white car... Im onli worried for xuan, her face is like pale juz nw... we reali gt a shock from all this!!!
Hubby was actually driving v slowly, imagine there is a car in front & we juz past a traffic light & going straight... Thou we hit the white car, the white car claim his insurance from the black car whu hit us... I realli gt e phobia now...
After we were hit, mani ppl from the coffee shop rushed out, sum1 took a chair for mi to sit down with xuan on mi lap... sum1 get mineral water for mi... & after a while, ambulance came...The parametric get mi a wheelchair but xuan has realli gt the phobia, she dun dare to sit or allow mi to sit...so, i juz walked up to the ambulance... mi & xuan were taken to Changi Hospital... hubby stayed at the scene to settle everything... Luckily after the check up, both xuan & mi are fine.. esp xuan... Hubby was still at the scene after mi n xuan finished our check up... so, mi n xuan took a cab home.. xuan still hafing the phobia... cz when we were in the cab, she act asked the driver to slow down, asked him not to drive too fast... but actually the driver is driving at a normal speed alreadi...realli not v fast...
Now, we are at home resting alreadi.. but hubby is still at the police station for statement... Poor hubby... Xuan i asleep nw... Gonna get jing feng san for her tml... gonna go temple to pray n thanks god too... I realli thanks the god... honestly... Im realli glad that nth realli happens... Im still young... xuan is still young... I still haf so mani unfulfill wishes... I still want to live till old wif hubby, I still wanna see mi ger get married & haf kids... I love mi ger..I love mi hubby... Pardon mi for being so emo...
I realli gt a shock from this... Still haf the phobia... I haf to voice out mi feeling.. I dun dare to cry juz now during the incident, be it when im sitting down on the chair before the ambulace came, or when we were at the ambulance or even when we were in the hospital...cz Im the oni 1 wif xuan, she is alreadi so shocked n scared.. if she found that her mummy is as scare as she is, I tink she will feel v uncalm... I gt to hold back mi tears... I gt to be strong.. I haf to protect mi ger!!! I smust gif her the sense of security...
But now she is asleep, I can cry as much as I can... Mi mind is not thinking logically or functioning well now... hence, the jumping of things here n dere... Its realli shocking n scary!!~
Now, the entire car is a gone case alreadi... Gt no help alreadi... I rmb the parametric told mi when they arrive at the scene & saw the whole car, they tot that this will be a serious case.. but we were reali v v v v lucky... Pardon mi for saying thanks god again!!!~ Thanks god... Thanks god... Thanks god...Thanks god...

~ { 2:35 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, November 10, 2008

Felt so relax on last Saturdae...
Met Kris & family at Chevrons at 3.30pm...We swam for bt 2hours... The kids did realli enjoy themselves! Not oni them, I realli feel so relax & comfy when soak in the water... Its realli good to swim once in a while!!! Felt so refreshing after the swim...
We went to Novena... Intended to haf Zhen Fa Steamboat buffet..BUT.. It was realli omg when we reached dere at bt 6.30pm...The whole restaurant was so packed wif ppl wor..the queue was so long, ppl queue till the roadside wor... So, we were realli v v v hungry so we changed our dinner place to the HongKong Street Zhi Cha restaurant!!! Food was not too bad, quite delicious!!!~
After our dinner, we went united square for a little shopping... Kris bought sumthing like a water gun shooter for Lele, not exactly a gun..similar to the pump gas into the balloon type of thing... Anw, I realli dunno wats that called lah...
Princess Xuan saw Lele bought tat & she wants 1 too... So, I taught her hw to play wif that at ToyRUs, but she dunno hw to play wif it, infact, she has no strength to pull the thing... So, I refused to buy for her & she threw her temper dere wor...In e end, she got sumthing from mi in return...yup...a slap...but not a tight 1 lah... not pain de either, juz to shut her off... cz she shouted at the Toy R Us wor... Cant realli slap her as hubby din like mi to slap his precious ger...Its okie to beat but he felt tat slapping her, esp on the face, is v bad!!!~
As I am saying, I refused to buy the toy for her... Hubby consoled Princess Xuan telling her he will buy other toy for her lah... Alamak... realli spoil her ah... In the end, hubby bought a baby toy wif bottles of milk milk for his precious ger!!!~
Haiz...wat to do... His favourite + Precious ger...Tats wat he said...

~ { 10:18 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Friday, November 7, 2008

Here are some photos of mi precious ger...
If nt, mi blog is gonna becum "lan" alreadi...
Some of the photos we asked Princess Xuan to pose for us...
Theme: Huggies Diaper Shoot
Venue: Home sweet home
Model: Princess Xuan

Going for a swim tml wif Kris & family... Yippee...gonna wear mi new swimsuit...haha!!!~ Besides tat, am going to buy a new set of swimsuit for Princess Xuan, as u may see from above ( the red stripey sailor-like, actually is a swimsuit, is kinda small for her alreadi...juz look at her tummy...oh no!!!~) so, going to get a new 1 for her before the swim...
Heading to Chevrons for the swim as not so mani ppl dere... Din like public swmming complex as alot of barbarian lah... Kids running here & dere...Argh, I dun like tat! Thus, Chevrons is a better choice, thou much further!!!! I can go relax & soak in water too....
Lets pray no raining tml ah!!!~ (><)v

~ { 12:53 PM }
reflections of you and me;