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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Again, no pictures!!! Lazy to bring camera out nowadaes...
Visit Iris last Saturday, hubby came home to wash his car while Princess Xuan & mi went Iris' house... we wanna see Baby An-an... of cuz, Kris & family came too...
We chit chat, tok about everything...blah blah blah...den went Hougang Mall haf dinner... Hubby, too, joined us for dinner!!!~
Iris & Andy bought a new camera, so cheap lah..nowadaes the price of cammie... lol...
Shop abit den baleh kampong....
Hubby & mi spring clean our room on sunday noon till bt 5pm...Tiring but fulfilling sundae... I see mi room le, Im like so super happie now!!~
Aiyah..lazy to blog!!!~

~ { 5:09 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, October 20, 2008

A nice, relaxing & cheap weekend on las Saturdae!!!!~
Princess Xuan & I acc hubby to service his car in the morning... I had to wake up early to prepare miself... Argh...no sleep late for a lovely saturdae!!!
While servicing, we went for our breakfast... Hence, no time wastage!!!~
Princess Xuan wanna go pray pray & so hubby brought us to Loyang temple...
Den, off to Ikea Tampines for a little shopping & free drink...wahahaha... Nice hotdogs bread. Nice curry Puff. Nice ice cream. So cheap. So nice.
Boring to shop further. No plan to buy anithing.
Therefore, I suggested to hubby tat mebbie we can go for a ride at the park...Okie..I dunno hw to cycle. But, theres such a thing known as couple ride... ahahaha...
Drove to Pasir Ris Park.
There were kids learning horse riding... Of cz, U can pay to experience horse riddy for a 5 mins... But, Princess Xuan was reali scared to ride them lah. Shes scared & yet she wanna ride them... She dare nt even feed the miniature horse when an Angmoh offered her wif sum hays to feed the horsie lah. So, y waste the money to ride?! Nt cheap leh. Not the money act. But y pay for sumthing tat she is afraid & dare nt sit?
I spoke to the Angmoh. Her boy whu's abt the same age as Princess Xuan is so happily feeding the horsie wor... So brave little boy.
Princess Xuan insisted on riding. So, we decided to rent a bicycle & explore Pasir Ris Park. Relaxing dae to cycle. Shiokness.
Went to the playground & haf fun. I love the slide. So high & fun. & hubby...hahaha... Dun ever wear the sort of pants to slide again ah...u get wat i mean...lol....( his pants tore a big hole when slide down....) wahahaha... Its realli a BIG hole lah.
Told hubby we can go tenting, kite flying & bbq one of this daes... Shiok lah....
Gers, when r ur free.. wanna go kite flying & bbq together mah? At Pasir Ris Park. hahaha... Not so mani ppl compared to East Coast. Relaxing oso.
See when ur r free ah... Deal? & dun forget our prawning session together???

~ { 2:22 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Friday, October 17, 2008

I tink I am super super lack of updates nwadaes wor...
Had quite alot of good food recently... but am either too lazy/hungry to take fotos or too lazy to upload them...lol...(><)
Anw, had chilli crab wif man tou & crab beehoon soup opp Mayflower sec last last Sat as Princess Xuan kept saying she wanna eat crab crab... Very nice lah!!! As usual de...
Last sat, we went to PS for sakae sushi too as our precious little princess sae she wanna eat sushi... Mi little ger oni like to eat good food... if we eat at coffee shop or similar standard 1, she eats so little oni!!!~ So, oni promised her tat we can oni eat good food 2 times every mth oni... This is to save money for our house too!!!~ I mean, cant keep spending n spending rite... Thou, we haf enuff for our house furniture, renovation & everything...but, whu dun like to see balance rising in bank....woo hahaha!!!~
Recently, Im so bz wif mi business, ask a frenz bro to help mi wif sum computer format stuff... Tink he is doing tat quite well lah, keep trying to meet mi expectations... BUT, i realli hope the outcum he does will realli be wat I want... I gt quite a high expectations lah... Im paying for tat de hor... hahahaha... wif expectations, hence im quite mafan oso lah... Hope he wun mind....lol

~ { 3:23 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Friday, October 3, 2008

Hubby is on duty todae!!!~

Hubby promised to bring mi for a crab feast tml!!!~(",)v

Btw, realli so sorrie to Vien & Aud for spoiling the mood on that dae....Din expected tat too...so sorrie wor!!~

& do rmb bt the deal we made to prawn together one of this dae ah...

Last Wed, hubby brought us to Lim Chu Kang walk walk...Lotsa nature stuff dere..we went to this veg plantation, fishing pond, din comb finish the whole area as it was kinda late & hubby still gt work on the following dae... Hubby sae shall return to the place again to explore!!!~

~ { 7:04 PM }
reflections of you and me;