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Friday, September 26, 2008

As mention, went Bugis wif hubby & Princess Xuan last Saturdae...We act wanna go to the hawker for brunch...But to our surprise, it was closed alreadi... Gosh... Hence, we juz find sum stall to eat as we were all hungry alreadi...
We went to this stall selling Laksa, duck rice... etc etc etc...
Wat e heck!!~ The food they serve are all NOT UP TO STANDARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I ordered the Ipoh Hor Fun, & Hubby order Roast duck & pork rice... The uncle whu serve us juz casually put the plate of rice & kway teow on the table without any manners wor... & look at hw the chopstick is place on the plate of Kway Teow... okie, ignore the tissue as its mine...I used that to wipe the table first!!
Worst still, Hubby's plate of rice was $4, i tink...Okie its not the money, its not alot...but for $4, i tink u can get more meat den tat!!!~ & juz LOOK AT THE SPOON!!! Its so damn dirty lah... whu dare to use tat ah...NOT US!!!~

Moreover, the food was TASTELESS!!!~ Uncle, salt very ex meh??? The food juz taste awful lah!!!~ I din finish mi food... Thou hubby finished his, but he sae he was still v hungry!!!~
Wun return to the stall again...*Vomits*
Den, we went to the Fortune Centre, Hubby juz walked n walked...hence, we reached dere to see wats inside...
As he was still hungry, he saw this fishball noodles that looks nice...& we went in for our 2nd brunch of the dae...
Hubby ordered Fishball bee hoon wif extra chilli while Princess Xuan & mi juz haf sum fruit...

& we went praying after tat... We will alwuz buy a bouquet of flower to pray...This time round, Princess Xuan chose this... & its 1 of the more ex kind, i tink...hahaha...Princess Xuan insisted this flower...so gt to pay for it!!!~
Went Arcade for some fun...& we went to Suntec too..as Bugis was boring!!!~ I saw a soft toy catching machine...in it was those purple cute elephant...so cute lah... So, insisted hubby to catch that for mi... Gosh, I wasted $20 but still cant catch tat...wat the!!!~
I was so confidence as hubby caught a winnie the pooh soft toy for Princess Xuan juz before tat & he used $1 oni lor... Argh....

As we are abit budget for this mth lah....haha...we went food court for dinner!!!~ The claypot rice is nice!!!~ Hubby like the chao tar part...I prefer the no chao tar 1....

Went back to our neighbourhood park for the belated lantern fest organise by the RC... So damn boring lah!!!~ The kids like barbarian lah...all running here n dere... so scared that they will knock mi ger down...

The games & everything so dragging..we were oni waiting for the lucky draw part....lol...

everything ended at finally 10.30pm....This was held at a basketbal court...Initially, no kids were playing basketball dere... sum barbarian started to play when e last 2 prices for the lucky draw was called... we had to cut across the basketball court no matter wat to go home...

This group of barbarian hor nearly hit mi princess wif the ball lah... Both hubby & mi gt so frustrated ( alreadi angry cz of the dragging & thruout no chair to sit lah) & scolded them... The words tat we scolded are nt v nice lah...hahaha...

We went to hubby's boss house for his baby boy's 1 mth celebration & went to this place for dinner after tat...The food is like so cheap lah... oni $26 for all this...BIG serving summore thou we ordered the small 1... worth the money!!!~
Oh ya... I told hubby bt this factory at Woodlands selling nice cakes, esp molten chocolate cakes, pastry & etc etc... He drove mi dere on the dae but it was closed lah...
Alamak, I wanna eat the molten choco cake lah... very cheap summore leh...buy home & juz put in microwave for few second/minutes & able to serve le...
I insisted hubby to bring mi dere again to get that!!!~

~ { 4:04 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Friday, September 19, 2008

Wah...Champagne Grapes are so so so nice lah!!!~
I bought 2 pallots of champagne grapes yest at NTUC... & we had finished 1 pallot of it alreadi...omg...
Champagne grapes are those very very very small grapes.... They are tiny & cute...
Grapes are e best when u chill them...I chill 1 pallot in the normal way & another in the freezer... I tell u ah...U shd try the freezer 1...Its way way way so so so much nicer den the normal way wor... If realli wanna try, shd try the black grapes, e big 1... Put them in the freezer & try them the next dae....so delicious!!!~
Hubby gonna bring us to Bugis tml for shopping & after tat to the blk party for the mooncake fest..I dunno y the area here celebrate mooncake fest belated...weird!

~ { 3:29 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The bbq wif dearest is cancelled last min... So hubby decided to bring us to the Chinese Garden.

The theme for this year is Sanrio... Suit Princess Xuan!!~ At least we felt tat its much better den the theme for last year... Tink last year is dinosaur??? Like wat the???

First, we went Jurong for sum Bak Kut Teh as Im craving for some traditional ones... But too bad theres no You tiao...wat a waste!!!~ They shd add tat dish in mah... Argh!!!~

Den, after dinner, I gt to meet up some frenz & pass her her jacket. Infact, is meeting her bf as she has some photoshoot on tat dae.

I told hubby tat I wanna take a picture of us 3, den he purposely make funni faces... I told him its so classic, & hence I gt to post them up... hahahaha...

We took lotsa pictures at Chinese Garden... The lightings are all so nice.... Esp the fireworks!!!~ I tried to load the video up but den dunno hw leh...Argh!!!~ Forget it...

We took the River Swan ride... Hubby pedal it so fast!!!~ hahaha...I need nt pedal as its tiring...It will do wif hubby pedalling alone le!!! After the ride, hubby sae he's real tired... orbi lah...pedal so fast!! He even sae so proudly when he's pedalling:

" ni kan, wo men zui juai de!!!" ( you see, we are the fastest!!!) hahahaha...

We went to play the " catching the duck in the pond" game...& hubby gt an orange monkey for Princess Xuan...den, we went to play the shoot-e-balloon game, & gt the yellow monkey for Princess Xuan. So, mi little ger is so happie!!!~

After our walk ard chinese garden, both hubby & daughter are hungry, so hubby brought us to East Coast for supper... I was too full & din eat much, oni drink the sugar cane water!!!~

As for the secret, I tot I was pregnant... As i was2 weeks late for mi menstration...but after I publish the post, mi period came....hahaa

~ { 5:30 PM }
reflections of you and me;