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Monday, August 25, 2008

Im hooked on this puzzle....
So fun...but, Im stuck at level 3....Sumbody plz help mi...~~~
This is the game
If u reach level 3 & cleared, plz help mi wor!!!

~ { 8:36 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Saturdae 23rd Aug 2008
Princess Xuan recovered...& hubby is craving for his FISHING...Act he had planned this fishing trip at Pasir Ris park last Saturdae le wor... so, we shall acc him!!!!
We went Tampines GIANT to grab the tent & sum of the picnic stuff!!! As our fishing trip starts from 10am to 7pm lor!!!!~ argh.....(okie, Im not complaining...*rolls eyes*)
Yup, as hubby is fishing...we are....
Wat else, we haf gt nth to do....
Okie...Princess Xuan brought her books along to draw, read & write....

Princess Xuan asked mi why I bought so mani of this, I replied tat cz I love eating this...so nice & cheap lor!!!~

Mi hubby fishing....

This is the inside of our tent, very cosy rite??? hahaha...its a 2-man tent!!! I tink its very relaxing & cosy too....hahaha...cz of the little mattress tat I insisted to bring along...of cz, dun expected mi little princess to sleep on the plain ground or watever u called tat lah...

Btw, this is the nice little part when the rain haven started...

The top of our little tent...
Mi princess sure noes hw to pose for pictures hor???!!!

Still looking bright & sunny on a breezy sat noon, after our lunch...I bought sum malay food from the coffee shop behind ... Such a nice weather...but.....the good things nv last!!!~

It was raining like cats & dogs... chickens & ducks.... fishes & turtle.... watever lah!!! & we are stuck inside our little supposedly-to-be-cosy-tent lor... its was so clean & relaxing initially...but during the rain, it was flooded...okie..nt to be extreme like we are soaking in the water lah..but water was keep cuming inside our tent, I had to look for watever existing material tat's inside the tent, like papers, plastic bags, newspaper.... to block e jointing part & where ever the water is cuming into... but tats realli sucks lah...But, its was cooling lah, & Princess Xuan had a wonderful nap!!!~
Den, the rain becum smaller....Thanz god!!!~
Yup, as for the previous rain, mi hubby was still fishing outside our tent under the unbrella shade....
However, it started to rain again... * Gosh*
This time round, hubby oso came in for the shade...hahaha... & we were like refugee lor...but, act its realli fun if no raining... I mean its rather relaxing & all that, to get away from all the shopping centre on a weekend juz to relax....
Anw, hubby suggested tat he will apply silicon on all the joining part of the tent so tat e next time we went fishing or camping again, history wun repeat itself lor!!!~
For your info, huby caught 2 fishes for the entire dae, 1 fish died, so hubby released back into the pond. As for the other fish, he gave to his granny after our meal at Tampines Mall Crystal Jade.
Had a visit at hubby's granny's hse till 9.45pm
Sunday 24th Aug 2008
Had a dinner gathering wif couzzie at Holland V...
We went essential brew for our little-get-together dinner...
Haizz....similar to yest, the weather was so unpredicting...BIG rain...small rain...okie...tats drizzling!!! But, the rain like din stop at all for the entire 2 daes hor??? Gosh, was so incoveniece to go out when it rains, & esp when u haf kids wor!!!~

The menu... This cafe is all about tea & healthy food...

This is mi Summer peach...Its act peach mixxing wif earl grey tea....A special combi & I tot its a little too sweet for mi, so I added a little plain water inside to blend the taste...I dun realli like this taste, gt the cough mixture taste leh...
Shd haf order lingerie citrus instead...(tink tats the name, I forgot le)...this is jasmine tea wif orange!!!~

The soup of the dae, I haf ordered set dinner while hubby had alat carte...so, oni set dinner cums wif soup & free drink!!!~

This is veg tomato soup

baby potatoes... Hubby tot they wld boil this, but I tink they act fried this... Not bad!!!~

Very fragrant & crispy for the skin...

Hubby's Earl Grey Ribeye's steak...

Wah!!! This is marvellous lor!!~ Thou it seems bloody when u cut it ( medium rare), & the sauce like a bit oni lah...but, the beef taste so sweet, tender & nice lor!!!~ Doesnt haf the smelly smelly meat smell or taste... realli is so nice lah...hubby feel the same too!!~ I tink the portion is juz nice...but hubby tot otherwise, he felt tat the portion shd be bigger for this....hahaha...cz mi couzzie ordered fish & chips & the portion was like so big lor!!!~

Alrite, this is mine Cajun Dory...

Its grilled dory wif a light spread of herb butter & cajun spices... the fish was wonderful too!!!~ Tender & nice... Loves the taste too... As for the rice, I tink tats jasmine rice...

Mi couzzie...of cz not including the 1 in black standing up..tats the waitress for your info...

Its 2 storey high... For the layout on the second floor, all the seating arrangement was in ZEN style... all sitting on the floor wif cushion de...u haf to take off ur shoes wor!!!~

~ { 1:56 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Friday, August 22, 2008

Princess Xuan is sick!!!
Princess Xuan had a fever of 38.9 degrees last nite... I haf a habie ot hugging her to sleep... den, when i hug her yest...she felt warm!!! So, I measured Princess's temp...
OMG...38.9 LOR....
So, gave her a panadol to chew first...den put Princess back to slp... & I doze off too...
After dunno like 27454026453624 hours, Princess Xuan vomitted!!!!!
Hubby & mi woke up to clear the mess... & I took her temp again...The temp is still the same... so, gave her another panadol as its bt 4 hours later le...
Tink Princess Xuan felt better after vomitting... Poor ger!!!
Took her to the clinic at 8.30am once its open... Doc sae Princess caught a flu, its no serious case... Juz make sure she rest well!!!
Thanz god!!!!~

~ { 10:47 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I realli dun like to be in the service line...Thus, explain y I dun search for job related to tat...
Anw, nowadaes babes are realli getting more & more ridiculous...
Okie, Im fine wif sms-ing mi late at nite...& I mean LATE, Its realli Late...like 2am, 4am, 6am...erm...they no need to sleep de meh???!!!! DiaoZzzz...
Chasing after payments is nth act... Okie..I tink I realli gt the potential to be loansharks ah...wahahahaha...
But lately lotsa very "funni" ppl ard lor...
Funni babe 1's sms
Babe: hihi, may I noe the price for the top on friendster picture no 1( or watever lah, juz an eg).
Mi: .....
Aiyoh...since u haf mi number, u shd haf seen the available stock on the webbie le mah...
The next 1 is more funni lor...
I gt this sms yest nite like going to 12am time...mebbie she tinks tat I haf alreadi slept le, or sleeping soon, wif all the lights off...lazy to take out mi record book for reference or watever...
Funni Babe 2's sms
Babe: Hihi, I bought a top from u previously & u agree to exchange for mi if I cant fit in. so, can I meet u to do tat? I dun mind topping up the money.
Mi: yup sure, if u cant fit in. we will do a exchange for u. But, I dun do meets up as its kinda inconveniece for mi. Thanz.mebbie u can mail back to mi within 3 working daes.
Babe: Okie..I can go under ur blk or sumthing litat.
Mi: Okie. mi address is ( I gave her). so when u cuming?
Babe: mebbie tml at bt 4-5 pm litat...thanz so much.
But den, after thinking..I felt weird. so i sms her.
Mi: so, wats e name of the item u bought? & u wanna change to which item?
Babe: Erm, I cant rmb alreadi.. but I wanna change to metallic halter silver.
Mi: okie. den when did u buy the item from us?
Babe: As i alwuz buy clothes online, so I cant rmb when i bought the item alreadi.
Mi: okie..nvm...I check mi record book for ur record. So, wats ur name & address?
No reply from her.
For those few sms, she sms back rather fast. But now after like 5mins, still no reply lor.
Omg... this babe is realli funni lor...dun rmb the name, dun rmb when she bought...like dun rmb anithing...as in if u buy the item, u shd be roughly noe when u purchase tt rite...like, 1 week ago, 2 weeks ago or wat..So, I gt up, switch on the light, take out mi record book n check together wif hubby...cz he oso think tat this babe is realli weird...like dunno anithing, wanna bluff mi litat lor...
So, we flip thru mi record book. & to mi horror....
Her record was like... 1/2 a half ago...
I mail her item like on the 25th Jan 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can u imagine... After 7 mths litat, u wanna exchange for another item???
U wanna bluff mi ah...
First, her phone was engaged ( until den, still no reply from her), den I tried again... It gt thru this time...
I dun wanna to let her noe I found her record le.
Mi: hello, may I noe when u purchase the item?
Babe: I dun rmb alreadi.
Mi: okie... den wat be u describe the top to mi, wats it like?
Babe: erm, hw to describe?
Mi: okie..nvm...den wat colour is the top?
Babe: Erm...sort of glitter...
Mi: sort of? okie..den izzit halter neck or spag or watever?
Babe: Erm, kinda halter neck.
Mi: so, izzit halter neck?
Babe: Kinda of...
Initially, I was still in a good tempered.
Mi: Okie ger, I found ur record.. ur item is clubbing's fun & u bought it like in jan... I mail on the 25th jan & now u wanna exchange for another piece????
Babe: yup...cz tat time u sae can exchange if i cant fit in.
Mi: Yup, i did sae tat, but den its like after u gt the item & straight away tel mi or wat...not like till its like half a year alreadi!!!!
Babe: cz dun haf the clothes tat I like...
Mi: huh... but den in between i haf so mani batches of clothes wor...
Babe: yup...
Mi: but den u sae u cant wear this top, but the measurement is like bt the same for the other top tat u wanna exchange to...so u cant wear this & u can wear tat?
Babe: I dunno that the measurement is the same...
Mi: but i stated mi measurement dere lor... u can see de mah...
Anw, ur r realli ridiculous lor...i mean, u wanna exchange for a top like half a years later...I not trying to be mean or unreasonable or wat here for nt exchanging wif u... But i dun see the pt of doing tat...cz its too ridiculous liao...ur are trying to be funni wif mi rite?
Babe: nope, Im nt trying to be funni...
This time round, I juz sae bye to her & told her I wun exchange for her.
Dun u tink this ger is very funni & ridiculous?
As in, will u exchange for another item after 1/2 a half purchasing from the stall or watever?
& if the person exchange for u, tat person mz be siao oso lor... I mean dun sae electrical applicances lah...clothes i mean here...
Den, I gt a sms from her.
Babe: Im sorry. I dun mean to be funni but juz asking becuz I had to settle sumthing & was overseas. Juz rmb I couldnt wear becuz the cutting was weird!!!
I was like diao lor... u saw the pictures & u bought lor...i mean u shd noe the design wif cutting wif everything wif measurement... den now u sae its weird after 7 mths...
& when u buy sumthing online...if u haf e experience...u sure will be v excited to wear it the moment u gt it...& u shd haf known the size wif cutting...& if ur are realli overseas, u will haf bring it along to wear too... wah biang...this ger realli weird lah!!!
Anw, I haf bliacklisted her le...
Tink I blur or wat...or stupid to believe ur tales... mebbie she tot I wun keep a record like for 7 mths ago de le..
Crazy ger..

~ { 12:44 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, August 18, 2008

A realli random post for this...
As I had mention in mi previous post tat I had a fall when alight from the bus 190....hahaha...
Initially its realli okie...no serious!!! I can still walk... Mebbie I tot its realli no issue, & so din realli care...
But e moment I was on the way home, on Hubby's car, e pain came... Cant stand it le!!!~ It was swollen le....
Princess Xuan even comment tat mummy has an elephant leg.... Arghhhhh....
So, hubby drove mi to tui na on sunday morning.... Wah...so painful leh...when the auntie tui na for mi...izzit reflexology??? I cried lor... but its alrite after 5 mins...I wore heels for like so so so mani years liao, this is the first time i kana this type of thingy wor...so unlucky!!~ Mebbie I was careless too!!!~ Argh....~
Now, present to u mi elephant legs.....wahahahaha.....

But, consider it a blessing in disguise...cz hubby does all the work for mi...hahaha...so, I can rest too!!!~
Anw, hubby cooked nasi lemak for dinner last nite...So yummi lor... the chilli, chicken wing, the eggs, the long beans...all so nice.... even the rice is green colour de hor!!! hahaha.... I gif it a 9 stars upon 10 hor!!!~ Dun drool when u see the pictures....hahaha...
Tell mi hw to slim down wif a good cook ard... & us searching for good food every now n den...Gosh!!!~

The Tay's Nasi Lemak

Btw, did I mention tat the restaurant gave the Piglet baggie to Princess Xuan when we left... Tats a gift from Pasta De Waraku wor...so sweet rite!!!~
Anw, Yup...we plan to wear RED for everyone for Beryl's birthdae... She was not wearing red becuz act we wanna her to wear dress de, so as to stand out from all of us... but as she dun haf a dress, neither red top...she wore a different colour too, to stand out from us oso lah!!!~
We are tinking of other theme for mebbie our next outing....wahahahaha....

~ { 11:04 AM }
reflections of you and me;