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Monday, June 30, 2008

A birthday celebration for mi precious Princess....
Met up wif Kris & Lele to shop at Vivocity... We went for our lunch 1st, as usual, at Asian Kitchen, e 4 of us realli ordered quite alot of stuff wor, I had prawns fried rice, Kris had duck mushroom noodles, den we ordered homemade tofu & xiao long bao to share... Princess Xuan & mi had mango sago for dessert while Kris & lele had mixed fruit sago...
Tink Kris hadnt haf dessert for super long time liao, cz she kept saying super nice lor!!~ She wanna another serving wor, she realli has a sweet tooth ah...hahaha...No choice lah, she cant eat dessert all the time, esp cold ones, cz Lele cant eat too much oso!!~
So, Once in a while is alrite!!~
Kris bought a polar polar top... Super nice lor!!~ $37... But realli worth it, its silky de... Realli suit her...
We went Toast box for tea break... Lele realli loves the kaya butter toast dere, while Princess Xuan loves the half boiled egg... They are realli cute when they are together.... Realli loves the 2 kids... So cute!!~ Esp when they talk...
Den, Kris' hubby came to fetch us at about 5.30pm to go to AMK Hub to meet up wif the rest for Princess Xuan's birthdae celebration.
We are realli early wor, cz her hubby realli noes the way ah...lol... Booked a table for 15 at Sushi tei & we went to Bengawansolo to collect mi darling birthdae cake, its a pink minnie mouse hugging a teddy bear... Its a chocolate sponge cake wif chocolate cruchies... Realli yummi wor... Realli worth mi $67.50!!!
Wait till I gt the pictures from Jenny & Kris den I will upload them... So troublesome when mi camera is spoil... Damn it!!~
Anw, Jenny & family, Iris & her 2 kids, Ines & 2 kids, Mrs cher & family & Kris & family came for the celebration... But den, haiz.. shall not elaborate... its over!!~
Im realli glad tat Princess Xuan did enjoy her dae very much!!~ Tats wat I want actualli...
Hubby brought us to his frenz gathering...Okie well, I noe them too!!~
We went Marina Square to meet his frenz, Eric, Christopher & Hongwei & gf... Had Carl's Junior for lunch...We shared the fish & chips dere, I noe tat the burger is realli big dere, so dare nt order 2 sets... Im realli scared we cant finish the food lah!!!
As Chris had to attend some sort of Church event after lunch, & he had left his bag at Eric's car, Eric gt to go wif Chris to the carpark to get it while we waited for Eric at Carl's...
& sumthing came to hubby's mind, he wanted to play trick on Eric.. So, hubby poured salt into Eric's drink... Omg, at first we tot its was ice lemon tea, but den its act 7-up wif lemon tea, so u shd noe when salt & 7-up comes together... Yup... hahaha...white bubbles....lol...
Eric din notice. He drank it... hahahahaha... Funni lah!!~
Anw, we shop ard Marina Square, mostly on kids stuff, cz I gt to get Lele's birthday prezzie & prezzie for Princess Xuan.
Got a winnie the pooh water bottle, mickey mouse jumper & white socks for Princess Xuan.
Hubby finally gt his black tie at John Little....& its realli cheap lor!!! Realli had fun shopping wif hubby & frenz...
I like to shop wif hubby cz he can carry Princess Xuan...haha...bt den hubby dun like to shop gers stuff de... Haiz... guys ah!!!~
Chris joined us after a few hours. We went Bugis after he joined us again. Its reali convenient when deres transport....lol...
Shop at BHG for a while & went Tian Tian steamboat for dinner. So funni to hear them chat during the dinner....
Went Prawning after tat as shopping centre is closed alreadi... u noe, shopping centre realli closes so early in Singapore & deres no where to go le... Realli no life!!!~ Wat to do...
Wah, & its super unlucky to prawn yest, we prawn for an hour. & I oni gt a prawn & so does Chris. However, deres this uncle whu is so pro... every 10 sec, he will catch a prawn lor...omg...reali pro lah!
Home sweet home after prawning.
We went prawning again...haha... for 4 hours,& we caught 21 prawns dis time. Mebbie cz hubby bought a prawning rod & float for mi & so wun need to use the rod supply dere, & so our rod is better. Our highest record. Will go there again. I wanna be diao xia da ren...hahahaha
Anw, mi birthdae is cuming soon & I wanna surprises... Esp frm hubby!!~ HAHAHA...

~ { 8:58 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Hubby took leave on Friday. We went Chinatown as he need to get a long white sleeve shirt & a black pant for his work on the 9th July. At the same time, I get to go to the traditional dessert shop for mi Mango sago with pomelo aka Yang zhi Gan Lu, beside tat, I ordered the Egg White Almond paste too. Prefer the Mango dessert. I took some pictures using mi handphone. But I haven upload.
Shop around at Chinatown & saw this realli old man wif a quite young lady beside him, holding on to him. Okie, U shd noe of the country shes frm... I din sae anithing!!~ Opps....
As its still early, Princess Xuan kept on saying she doesnt want to go home, so hubby decided to go Bugis as he gt to get a black tie too, but den we still cant find ani black tie dere!!~ Nvm, will try out John Little this cuming sundae.
Had a gathering at Xiu's house... As all of us were realli nua to go to ani shopping mall, xiu suggested tat we may go to her house. Was realli sian to keep shopping every Saturdae, It was act a good idea to relax at home & chit chatting all the way. In fact, its more fun den shopping wor!!~
We had our Debit Card Monopoly session, Princess Xuan had her cartoon marathon. We had fun cam whoring. Had fun "killing" ppl. Tinking of pose. Eating at famous Chicken Rice shop at Serangoon Garden. Had fun walking back to Xiu's place from Serangoon Garden. talking craps.Gossiping.
I want more of this gathering!!~More. more.more.
So, when is our next one? Lol....
When 4 girls & 1 baby went crazy.
The debit card for the monopoly. I had so much money in mi card, like 17M izzit? I wanna get a LV bag using the card to pay. Too bad, Xiu has alot of money in her card too, but den she oni bought 3 places??? hahaha...Vien, on the other hand, has the least money in her card cz she keep buying & paying. hahaha... & Audrey is a regular for keep going to jail!!~
The normal photo

We are starting to get crazy + dunno wat to pose
The normal ones again!!~
Den, we decided to kill each other
I tink this is the nicest normal photo that we took on that dae

Yup, Xiu gt murdered by mi.

Design conversation.
Wei: I tink deres a cockroach dere.
Aud: Gt meh? where? Im not scared of it ( explain of the smile on her face ah)
Princess Xuan: Wats a cockroach? I tink I juz continue to smaile sweetly can le.
Xiu:Yup dere. On mi feet( explains why her smile seem abit stiff ah)
Vien: Yesh yesh, orbit lah, whu tell u not to wash ur feet? ( she luffs till abit crazy le, tats y her hair very messy.)

Princess Xuan juz cried. cz desmond came to fetch us le, & Princess Xuan refused to go home. Lol. Tink she realli enjoy herself very much wif all this "jiejie"... hahahaha...
The killing seem to continue when Im back home.

I hate todae. Shall not elaborate wat happen during the morning. If this happens again, U shall noe wat will I do.
Went prawning. Caught prawns. Had fun. Hubby cooked Delicious prawn eggs. FULL.
Some add on to the normal dae.
I saw an old uncle. about his 60+ if Im not wrong. Shd haf gt hif CPF alreadi. Old uncle was wif a realli realli young ger beside him. About her 20+? She's realli pretty. Frm Vietnam. She was prawning too. For a while oni. She suggested to the uncle tat 1 prawn she caught, $50 she will get. OMG.
Prawning again. Hubby fishes. Din realli had fun todae as I oni caught few prawns. Shall take mi revenge again.

~ { 1:10 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

As promise, the pictures on Sundae....

Princess Xuan is holding the small fish, tats e bait!!~

Its realli hot & sunny ah!!~But den, i like the sun rays, very nice!!!!!!!!!

I like the colour of mi complexion... I like to be tan... haha... No make up on!!~

At punggol Marina waiting for our dinner

FYI, Tats a peanut

Aiyoh, I forgot to take the pictures of the Mantou & our Almond Longan... Engrossed in eating alreadi... Okie, Im so hungry le lor cz we went for dinner at bt 8 plus wor... & sorrie for the lousy photo taking cz I dunno why I keep shaking mi hands... Shd haf let hubby take the pictures...

~ { 1:22 PM }
reflections of you and me;