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Saturday, May 31, 2008

Hubby suggested mi to go for lasik wor...
Im tempted!!!~ But Shd I go? Im worri leh... Dunno whether will it be painful? Ani side effect? & hw will the ting goes? Like I shd open mi eyes BIG BIG thru out the whole ting?
Hubby sae his colleague P undergoes the lasik when its was juz a new stuff last time, P sae its not painful at all, oni will haf tears keep cuming out... But Im scared oso leh...
Hubby oso sae he will be sponsoring mi Left eyes while I sponsor mi right eyes miself...lol... I tink the charges for lasik now is like $1500 per eye izzit?
Shd I go for it? So tat I will haf perfect eyesight FINALLY after erm... 14 years!!!!!!!!! Its so troublesome to wear contact lens or even spec...Aiyoh, Im realli tempted!!~
So, ani1 done before?
Suggestion please!!!!~

~ { 10:42 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

As hubby gt to reprt for work on last Saturdae for his NDP...
I met up wif Kris at Vivocity for shopping....Its the GSS now... Everything is going at 30% or more discount wor... So worth it!!~
Firstly, we went Asian Kitchen for lunch... Wah..I was realli stuffing while waiting for the sotong wor... hahaha... Princess Xuan & lele were so cute when we were eating... cant describe, gt to see them urself... Not onli tat, they were so so so cute throughout the shopping trip wor... Realli cant tahan wor...
I bought a pair of winnie the pooh shoes for Princess Xuan at BATA... Neva expected to see such a nice shoes for the kids in BATA... Juz trying mi luck dere... WAH... Reali so glad I finally found a pair of NICE NICE NICE shoes for mi dearest wor!!~ It even costs more den mi own pair of shoes wor... Hers was $29.95 for a pair of kids shoes... Other den that, both of us bought a set of toys for our little ones... I asked Princess Xuan to chose between the fishing game & playdoh... Mi ger chose the fishing game, tink she gt influenced by her daddy le ah...lol....Kris oso bought the same toy for lele....Act, Kris wanna get the fish toys & the Dora lego set for lele de, but she was being nag by her hubby...so opps!!!~ Lele can oni chose 1 set of toys...
Okie, I did pamper miself too...Both Kris & I get a Clarins facial product for urself.. Its sumthing like to cover the pores & lines on our faces... Wah...It was realli so good leh... The saleger apply sum on kris' hands & the lines on the hands were like gone wor...( compared to the other hand)... Realli so amazing!!~ So, we gt this to try it out 1st... mite return to get their other products... This product that we bought costs onli $51...Realli worth it wor!!~
Kris' hubby reached while we are shopping for the kids prezzie... while hubby onli reached at dinner time, to meet us the the food court..
Anw, Both Princess Xuan & I were so happie to shop wif Kris & lele... She has acc & I haf too... Lets meet up for shopping soon, again ah... Dis time round, including Iris & Jenny ah!!~

~ { 6:53 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Long time no updates le wor..
Recently, hubby was hooked on fishing wor!!~ We went for fishing for a consecutive 3 Saturdae le wor... plus last sundae too, as mondae was a public holidae...haha...
It was realli a very relaxing place for a family outing... Hubby caught alot of fish wor... We haf to tink of different ways to cook them... & for your info, the fish is BIG... realli BIG 1... & most imptly, its fresh!!~ lol....
Princess Xuan loves e place too, as she is able to fish too... Deres a children pond whereby the kids fish & exchange for toys, the quality of the toys depends on the number the fishes they catch...haha...She loves it so so so much wor... Like daddy, like daughter ah....
Anw, last Saturdae, after fishing, hubby brought us to the coffee shop tat serve big wonderful yummy crab at AMK..Its situated opp mi Sec school... Wah..the crab was so so so yummi wor... We ordered chilli crab & crab bee hoon soup, & man tou too... The crab bee hoon soup is a must try dish over dere wor... Princess Xuan hearts it so so much... She even finishes 2 bowls of the bee hoon wor... & of cz she loves the crab, both hubby & mi gt to pick the meat for mi ger ....
Lastly, I will be so so so boring every saturday now as hubby is involved in NDP..Hence, he's hafing rehearsal every saturdae till evening or nite time....so, im available wor... do jio mi out!!~ I mean, do jio us out... Princess Xuan & mi mah!!~

~ { 5:16 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Mi ger realli learns SSSSSSSSSSsssssssssOOOOooooooooooooo mani things ever since she attends school... Lol...
& Shes so talkative now... Talks alot, very cute & funni too!!~
Nowadaes, she keeps asking hubby & mi so mani question wor... Like wats this & wats tat? Be it at home, things shown on tv, when we are in the car travelling, when I push her to school... Watever she sees or feel curious bt that thing, she will ask mi...
Princess Xuan: Mummy, mummy, she me ( wats tat)???
Okie, i answered to her wats the stuff watever she's pointing...
Den, she started pointing to another stuff beside e stuff she asked earlier on.
Princess Xuan: Mummy mummy, she me??
I answer her again.
Princess Xuan: Mummy mummy, she me?
I answer...
Princess Xuan asked. Mummy answered.
Princess Xuan: Mummy mummy, she me?
Mummy: ( feeling abit...... alreadi, cz she realli ask mi everything she see leh), you ask your daddy lor...hahahahahaha
Princess Xuan: Daddy daddy, she me?
Daddy will answer her till he ta buleh tahan oso...
Btw, did I mention Princess Xuan has change to call hubby DADDY instead or papa le? The way she calls her daddy is so sweet...
Whenever Princess Xuan sees sumthing she wanna buy, she will sa nai to her daddy by calling "daddy, daddy"....haha
Nowadaes when we went shopping in those kids mall or anithing that sell kids stuff, Princess Xuan will go to the clothes dept to shop herself wor... she will pick up the clothes & sae its beautiful....hahaha...& oso put the clothes on her to see hw it looks like....hahaha...
Deres 1 time tat hubby commented: Wah! Hen Hiao ah...( very vain)
& he walks away...pretending nt to see cz Xuan was actualli gonna ask her daddy to buy for her....
Btw, I bought a bright pink polo dress for Princess Xuan last Saturdae... Realli suit her alot!!~ She looks real sweet in it!!~ Okie.. mi ger looks sweet in everything....lol....
Anw, Princess Xuan is learning ABC now... Tink she learn till the letter G now... She noes Mondae, tuesdae now... Den she dunno e rest alreadi... Hubby sae tat Princess Xuan is act very clever alreadi for learning & knowing so mani things for oni studying like a mth oni... I feel e same too... She noes hw to socialise wif her new frenz...
Princess Xuan keep telling mi she loves school so much, loves to go school, loves to write, loves to study, loves to read, loves her new frenz, & sae she has alot of frenz...Realli can see she realli enjoy alot cz she realli nv shed ani tear from the first dae she goes school.. I need not accompany her inside too....(",)
I feel so proud of her ever since she was born...
Btw, Im gonna go prawning dis Saturdae again.. Any1 wanna join mi mah?

~ { 5:43 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Mi Hubby is the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hubby brought Princess Xuan & mi to the Zoo on Thursdae... Phew!!~ Its was so crowded tat time... bet cz of the public hol ah... But, Princess Xuan was so happie... She loves the animal, loves the animal show, esp her fav animal... Elephant!!~ She hearts them wor!!~ Act, It was a good exercise outing too... u need to walk n walk n walk...lol....
Den, after tat, hubby drove us to haf our dinner at AMK.. & I gt to eat mi favourite durian pancakes at the Amk Hub wor... wah...tats realli so yummi....
Yest, hubby brought us to Pasir Ris for fishing... Not the usual Pasir Ris Park...but its at Farmway... Hubby fish for 3 hours, den we went to haf our dinner & returned to the same place for mi Prawning... so fun wor!!~ we prawn till 12.30am!!!~ hehe...Hubby let mi prawn for 6 hours....hahahaha... of cz we shared... Princess Xuan prawns too!!! Yup, by holding the rod together wif mi...lol... Shall return for prawning again...
Frenz, ,lets go prawning together 1 of this dae ah....

~ { 9:29 AM }
reflections of you and me;