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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I wanna go for facial so badly!!~
I wanna to open a birthdae chalet for miself & Princess Xuan so badly!!~
Chevrons & Downtown East is fully booked alreadi!!~Haizz... I tot I was early alreadi, but... Okie... Singaporean is realli Kiasu, I muz sae....
So, ani nice chalet, ani1? Enlighten mi..plz..
I wanna go for facial too... Any1 noe of ani good facial ard? Enlighten mi too...

~ { 4:17 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, April 27, 2008

A swimming trip at Chevrons once again!!~
Recd a sms frm Kris saying that she mite not be able to join us for the swim on Fridae nite....Princess Xuan & mi were disappointed... But, no choice, cz her hubby mite be working on Saturdae... So, hubby sae tat we juz continued wif our plan ourself...

On the car, getting ready to go for our swim... Still A fair lady....(",)v

Okie, we reached Chevrons at bt 12 noon... Hubby went to purchase his stuff at the so called E mart dere... I went to check the vacancy of the chalet dere... omg... NO VACANCY!!~Haiz....
Den, we changed for our swim... Its was so so so so hot wor... I kept hiding under the shade while hubby went for his swim at the adult pool... Of cz I acc Princess Xuan at the baby pool... Mi ger was so happie, she keep walking here & dere... In the end, she was chao ta wor...lol... Im chao ta too, at mi shoulder, back & face.... Mi shoulder was the most serious 1 cz I kept leading on the side & rest...hahaha.... Den, mi face was red oso... But, I like the effect wor... no need put blusher...hahaha...
As for mi Princess Xuan, she was realli chao ta wor... her shoulder, back & face too...she gt her swimsuit line now...lol... I keep calling mi her the filipino maid look-a-like...hahaha... Anw, she was once chao ta in taiwan when we went fishing wif hubby before, but mi ger turns back fair again... But, I still apply lotsa Aromababy mosturiser & barrier balm all over her body & face...hahaha.... Hope she can turns back fair again... I dun mind the tan for miself but not for mi precious ger....
Hubby was burnt too.... His face & whole body I was refering to.... Even worst den us!!~hahahaha....
So, we decided NEVER to go swimming in the noon the next time...hahaha...
Anw, we swam till bt going to 2pm, & guess wat... Christopher, Kris' hubby came... we were so surprised... He sae Kris was on her way here alreadi from her mum's hse...( okie, Kris went her mum's hse to visit, while her hubby stay at home waiting to report to work, bt ended up he was told tat he need nt to go back for work), so we can swim together le wor....
Wah... Princess Xuan was so damn happie when she heard tat lele was cuming soon!!~ Hence, we rested by the pool side waiting for them to arrive.....

The kids playing so happily

The Chao Ta gers.... I like the tan-ness, look so healthy in the colour....hahaha....

The so so so fair mother & son & mi ger

Mi handsome hubby....chao ta too wor, & christopher's back view

After our swim, Christopher suggested to go Bugis " Xian de lai" for ma la steamboat.... Food is tasty & soup tastes yummi too...

The soup base, Sizchuan soup & duck soup

Our food, onli a little part of it, more to cum...but no pictures taken, cz Im hungry

After our dinner, we went Suntec City Carrefour to shop for groceries....

Its so good to be going out wif frenz & family to relax...
I heart it!!~

~ { 4:50 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, April 21, 2008


~ { 12:34 PM }
reflections of you and me;

I dun want a LV wallet
I dun want a Cartier watch
I want them to be happie till forever.

I dun want a Gucci Bag
I dun want a mercedes benz
I want him to hold mi hands till forever.

I dun want a Tiffany ring
I dun want a Levis Jeans
I want her to grow up beautiful, intelligent & healthy.

I dun need a BMW
I dun need a studio apartment
I need them to be by my side till forever.

I dun wish to be the most intelligent

I dun wish to be the cutest

I wish them to be the richest of all, wif mi around.

I dun wish to be the wealthiest
I dun wish to be the prettiest
I wish that we will still be so loving till the world ends...

~ { 10:46 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Friday, April 18, 2008

Omg... Princess Xuan onli attended school like for 3 weeks onli, & she noes hw to count from 1-10 in chinese alreadi... Weird??? In chinese, cz I tot the school uses english for lesson, but nvm.. at least she noes it... & mebbie its becuz I wld count wif her when we go up & down the overhead bridge, but hor, I count wif her in english too... lol...
Moreover, Princess Xuan played the hands game wif hubby yest nite, u noe...those that goes... " bing bong bing bong", whereby 2 ppl claps & slaps their hands together, but Princess Xuan sae it as " pai pai shou zhi"...haha...means clap clap fingers, so cute rite...haha...
Anw, I bought another Winnie the pooh cardigan for Princess Xuan le wor, cz I forgot & washes her minnie mouse pink cardigan wif the coloured clothes, & the pink cardi ended up hafing stain here n dere, thou its not realli alot of stain, bt its FUGLY... So, rather buy another cardi for her... Bought 3 pink tops & a denim skirt for her too... Cz she keeps on wearing the same clothes whenever we go gaigai... hahaha.... She, too, has alot of Princess dresses, but its like too over dress if she wears tat for shopping or wat....hahaha...so, nowadaes, I dun realli buy those princess like dresses for Princess Xuan le, I will go for sumthing tats more to casual & comfy type de...
Anw, gonna meet up wif kris & Iris on the cuming Mondae if nth goes wrong...
*P.S: I wanna open a chalet at Chevrons for Princess Xuan & mi upcoming birthdae in July... Will open on the last Saturdae of June since Princess Xuan birthdae falls on the first Fridae of July... Plz do cum if I did invite u wor... haven realli invite ani cz nt cfm on booking the chevrons cz I dunno whether if theres still ani vacancy... Shall update again!!~

~ { 4:07 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Princess Xuan is hafing redness in her right eyes dis morning when she woke up... Tink most probably mi ger keep on rubbing her eyes. Till now, e redness is still dere... If its still dere till evening time,I tink Im gonna bring her to the doc le.... :(
Anw, hubby sae we muz stay at home dis Saturdae cz he's expecting sumthing to happen... Cant reveal it here cz it mite be classified!!~ If not, scarly shop half way gt to return home le ah... Den sure, cfm, gurantee spoil our shopping mood de lor...
So, hubby sae to amend for this, we shall return to Chevrons next Saturdae for another round of swimming trip again!!~ hahahaha...we are hooked on swimming alreadi... or in fact hooked on soaking in the water....lol... Sure was a good way to pass time!!~
Okie...off track abit, nowadaes, I pushed Princess Xuan in the pram for the journey to & back from her school... Cz after calculations, the bus fare adds up to 35 bucks every mth wor, & its nt very far from our house to her school....(okie, its bt 4 bus stops journey)... so I will treat it as mi morning exercise lor!! Anw,I realli need to stretch miself wat!!~ hahaha... Its alrite for mi to walk alone & pushing Princess Xuan in the pram... If she gonna walk wif mi, I swear tat it will be gonna feel like 10 bus stops away....However, I juz hate the sun wor... okie, I dun wanna it to rain..but at least, be cloudy & not SUNNY... alrite!!~ Juz hope tat I can be slimmer, like before, hahahaha, & not be tanner.....
Fingers crosssssssssssssssssssssssssss.........................................

~ { 3:41 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, April 14, 2008

Our pictures for the swimming trip on last Saturdae!!~
Firstly, we acc hubby to service his car in the morning at 8am.... Initially, the person told hubby tat his car will onli be done in the noon... BUT, hubby had alreadi make an aptmt at Chevrons to polish/wax/wash ( watever, everything) at noon... So, luckily, hubby is in a good terms wif the in-charge of the servicing side, & our car was ready at bt 10+...
So, we rushed home to change & left for Chevrons....

When we reached, it was raining cats & dogs wor, so we gt to wait for the rain to stop before we can release ourself in the pool... Anw, we gt to wait no matter wat, cz hubby's car will onli be done is bt 3 hours time... we walked ard the place, ate sum snacks frm the vending machine... but, the rain still continues... so, we decided to haf our lunch 1st... & the rain stopped while we are half way eating out lunch.... Yeah!!~ Princess Xuan was so happie & excited tat she refused to continue eating....lol...
So, we changed into our swimming attire & soaked ourself in the pool... Princess Xuan was so happie...She keep walking here & dere by herself... she sae i need nt stand by her side & help her or anithing...haha... Of cuz, she was in her float.... haha...
We swam for bt 1 1/2 hours dere....After tat, went to collect our car... & OMG... Our car is shining wor, so smooth oso.... I told hubby tat ants wld fall if it climbs up... lol..
Den, went IMM for our dinner... We had our dinner at Swensen....

Apple-mango fizz


Clam Chowder

Princess Xuan's fish & chips...

Hubby's spicy crab pasta

Mi salmon & mushroom baked rice

Rodeo Wings

Princess Xuan's volcano ice-cream..


~ { 4:21 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Hubby promised Princess Xuan & mi to bring us to Chevrons for a swim on this Saturdae... I seriously tink tat I shd be doing sum workout wor, cuz hubby is feeding mi like a PIG alreadi...
Mi figure has becum rounder & rounder alreadi, since after e dae i gif birth to Princess Xuan!!!~ Aiyoh, I noe I haf gain weight, as compared to myself in the past, I admit tat Im realli very very slim last time, before I was pregnant, I wun gain ani weight wateva i eat, & no matter hw much I eat, or EVEN HOW LATE i eat... lol.... Okie, anw, Hubby oso has gain weight le wor... hahahaha.... But, at least I felt tat Im act much better den alot of mummy alreadi... As least I can still wear size Small!!~ Juz tat Im wearing size XTRA SMALL last time!!~ * Rolls eyes*
Hope tat I will be successful in mi lose weight programme dis time round, cz I gt to walk to & fro bringing Princess Xuan to school... hahaha... But, I will definitely be getting tanner & tanner...Does such word exist??? Hmm....hahahaha....

~ { 4:05 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Met up wif mi dear girls at TPY last Saturdae... Short of vien ah...
Hubby gt to work last Saturdae, so met mi gers for a ktv session... went Macdonald to eat wif Audrey 1st as Xiu & beryl went to settle sum stuff at the bank... Realli thank you for the fish burger & the happie meal set ah.. Audrey!!!~ Mebbie, the next time, I will get bird nest or shark fin??? Lol... Im waiting...Hmmm....

At Macdonald, while Audrey getting our set for us... So sweet ah!!~
Our Ktv time....
It was so cheap singing at TPY CC wor, thou the atmosphere wasnt tat gd as compared to KBox or Partyworld, the songs are all so new too!!~ Most impt thing is, its so cheap wor!!~ 7 bucks per person onli.... A good catch wor!!~
Audrey singing... She sings so well wor!!~

Princess Xuan eating away....

Mi ger idol wor.. whenever she sees him, she will be saying, " mummy, yu bai, xiao zhu" haha....

Cam-whoring wif mi darlings

As Audrey & gang suggested tat Princess Xuan is being smiling "too fiercely", so i asked the sweet little girl to smile more demure...
Omg, the trademark smile again...haha
the demure smile...

See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil

Okie, after our singing session, hubby cum to fetch mi & Princess xuan & we went for our dinner at Suntec City

Mi yummy snow crab, prawns, mussels
Fried tempura, soft shell crab, fillets, prawns, scallop
Cold noodle
Paper steamboat
Fried la mian, veg, sushi for Princess Xuan, fried rice, black pepper fish, pumpkin ball.... Din get sushi or sashimi, cz i dun like...haha
Bbq salmon, cod fish, beef, chicken
Mayo cheEse lobster
Mi dessert

Strawberry ice cream... Its grind of a strawberry directly...

Was so full after our yummilicious dinner wor... Damage $94 in hubby's pocket, OPPS!!~

~ { 2:57 PM }
reflections of you and me;