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Sunday, March 30, 2008

Did I ever mention tat mi 1 year stay in Taiwan was not realli a good one???
Okie... I heart the pay tat hubby is getting, I heart the life dere, a new living environment outside Singapore, mi frenz I met dere, most importantly, the tour around the wonderful place....
However, the place tat I accomodated was not a good one.... in fact, a lousy 1 to be exact... 1stly, its an old building, deres only 1 lift functioning, the emergency staircase is dark & dirty.... DIRTY!!!~ Tats the word.... Even I felt tat mi house in Taiwan is "dirty" too!!!~
Not the literally meaning wor, cz hubby used bt 2 days to clean up the whole place ALL BY HIMSELF before Princess Xuan & mi arrival... ( hubby went 1 1/2 mths before us), & tats wat its called DIRTY... not tat sum1 gt to do abit of spring cleaning before his wife arrival, & keep grumbled abt it.... well, use your common sense, you dun expect mi to clean the entire place when Im ready to leave the house for good & return to my cosy homeland, am I rite???!!!
*rolls eyes*
I dun care whether you complaint to every1 or take your revenge thru your work, you noe it urself... & we noe it ourself...
Anw, other den that, when hubby was serving 1 of his night duty at work, onli Princess Xuan & mi were left at home... Its nt the very first time !!!~ Thou, I was feeling timid wheneva hubby gt to serve his duty, but nth realli happen before this...
This time, Princess Xuan had alreadi gone into her sleep while I was watching tv, I had a strange feeling that sumthing was standing or passing thru from the toilet to another room... I tot tat i was been too sensitive, & ignored tat.... Thus, I off the tv & went to sleep... I covered miself & Princess Xuan wif our blanket.... Alright, the blanket was not long enuff to cover mi feet when I shared it wif xuan...
Suddenly, I felt sumthing tickling mi feet.... OMG... I was hafin goosebump at tat moment... I dunno whether if it was "sumthing" or
sum of the string is flying around???
I told hubby bt this only when I return to singapore... & told him abt the "sumthing" passing the toilet... Den, u guess wat... hubby sae he had e same feeling too, while watching late night show wor.... Aiyoh... Eerie wor....
Heard frm others tat e place we stayed in Taiwan had lotsa spirit wondering in dere, esp young spirit... but they are harmless... well, even if they are harmless, you will be scared no matter wat rite.... even if you haf done nth evil!!~
Okie, enuff bt tat, I haf more stuff to share... April is reaching, & act both hubby & mi was so excited for the mth to arrive...
Firstly, its becuz Princess Xuan is starting her sch on the 1st April... & tats sumthing to be joyful as she can learn lotsa stuff in school , & get to nore more frenz...
Den, Hubby had promised mi after he gt his promotional bonus in April, he will be treating mi to Kushin Bo or Fisherman village seafood... well, which shd I chose??? Lol....
But, as I was so happie for the bonus thingy, we realised tat sumthing is wrong bt his bonus thingy wor... well, did mi hubby slack in his work? Did he alwuz go for lunch first before the others? Oh... I tink I noe the reason le... He DOES NOT noe sumthing... If he noes tat ( shall nt reveal wats tat), everything wld be so different now le!!~ Or if he noes him well in Singapore first... den mebbie everything wld be so different now le wor!!~ or mebbie the kaohsiung trip too wor!!~ Hmmm...
well, I dare to voice out everything becuz every1 in Singapore whu is working wif hubby felt strange too... & it was voice up to the superior too... & sumthing is done.... but... its still not right.... but we cant do anithing cuz of sum1...
Okie... dun let mi see the sum1 in singapore.... alrite!!~

~ { 5:30 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Argh!!!!! Hubby has to report to work on dis Saturdae...okie, not onli dis Sat, but next Sat too... Im alreadi haf an appointment for the next Saturdae wif mi lovely gers le wor... BUT BUT BUT.... I haf nth to do dis cuming Saturdae wor... whu wanna date mi & Princess Xuan???
Come on, come on, come & date mi!!!!~

~ { 6:54 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, March 24, 2008

It was Jane's baby boy 1st mth celebration yest.... So, we went for the buffet at her place at 5.30pm, the baby boy is so cute!!~ Anw, did not take ani pictures yest... as I forgot to bring mi cammie out!!~
Anw, gonna meet Kris at Iris later & going to Iris' house after our lunch....tata

~ { 9:53 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Met up wif mi bestie yesterdae at City hall...I gt to noe dis batch of bestie while in Taiwan... Its one of the best thing that I haf acheived from the 1 year stay dere!!~
In the morning, Kris & mi met early to get Iris her birthdae gift... We gt a heart necklace for this mummy-again-to-be.... lol... As fr Audrey, Sotong Kris forever so sotong, she forgot to bring her prezzie for Audrey, while I gt Audrey a disney mickey mouse braclet..
After getting out prezzie at Raffles place, we took the train to meet up wif the rest at City Hall.... Both lele & Princess Xuan kept asking wheres didi... & searching high & low for their buddies...
Like her mummy, Princess Xuan oso earned dis friendship in Taiwan....
Iris arrived 1st den followed by Ines... Both pushing their pram.... Since all of us haven taken our lunch, we decided to go Marina Square to see wat seem to be appealling 1st... We passed by Breeks & went in...
All of us ordered lunch set meal... & All of us ordered fish & chips....
Lovely Princess Xuan
Handsome Dave- getting more & more good-looking le wor....
Ines & her precious sons
The soup of the day
Prettie Kris & cute Lele... Lele is getting cuter & cuter alreadi...

Radiant beautiful Iris wif Audrey & didi.... Cuming a 3rd 1 ....hahahahaha... Do Mi Fa....( inside joke)
Mi wif mi beautiful gerger....eating her garlic bread
Our fish & chips... Its onli I ate like 1/4 of it den I rmb to take a pic of it...
Audrey's Spaggetti...Every kids ate a part of her share
E 2 pretties...

During our lunch, Iris sms Jenny & asked whther she wanna join us for lunch not, you noe wat jenny reply....hahaha....wan ba dan!!~

After our lunch, we shopped ard at Marina Square.... Ines bought a bottom for herself...As her hubby is alone at home, so she bid goodbye to us & leave early while we continued our shopping...

We went Kiddy Palace as I need to get Princess Xuan another pair of prettie shoes, as she cant fit into her boots alreadi... Oh mine, I love tat boots of hers so so much wor... but too bad, she cant wear them now alreadi...Boots selling in sg for little ones are so fugly.... *fainted*
(Plz inform mi if u cum to noes of ani nice boots for little ones, I dun mind the money, thanz wor)

Den, after a little shopping, we went Starbucks for our tea break... Iris ordered chocolate cake for her young 1s ( I tink) & Iced Mocha ( I dun rmb le) for herself... I ordered orange juice for miself & ugly chicken pie for Princess Xuan & lele to share... Kris ordered fruit punch for herself....

Lele, plz be fast the next time wor... hahaha... (inside joke)

Enjoying their chocolate cake

The fugly chicken pie
Anw, after our tea break & while we wanna continued our shopping, we saw dis realli realli adorable boy boy... & Princess Xuan wanna kiss him wor... Luckily, I stopped her... Dis boy boy looks like an eurasian but his aunt sae tat hes a pure 100% chinese... E 1st time I came across such a handsome & cute boy boy lor... lol...
We took some photos at the Suntec convention hall...

Too bad, we missed a group fotos wor... so sayang!!!

Anw, we shopped abit at Suntec, Kris bought a dress while I bought a jumper for miself... den we went arcade & hubby arrived soon after & we went for our dinner....

Home sweet home after tat as hubby is working the next dae....

In the ride home, hubby commented tat Audrey has became more & more obedient le wor... haha... I oso tink so.... Lele has becum cuter & cuter while didi looks more & more like Andy wor...Like a mini version of his papa... so cute... Wld be meeting them again on next Mondae at Iris' house...!!~

Jenny, you jealous mah? Waiting for ur return ah!!~ hahaha...

~ { 1:01 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Gona enrol Princess Xuan for her Nursery 1 tml...
Nowadaes, Princess Xuan keep telling mi she wanna go schooling... She said she wanna go shang xue, go dancing, singing, writing & reading... So hubby & mi felt tat its time for her to leave her cosy home & learn to socialise wif others all by herself le...She socialise very very well wif Lele & Didi but now she needs more frenz le wor... Didi & Lele had started schooling alreadi!!~
If I were still in Taiwan, Princess Xuan wld haf miss her Nursery 1 le... Thou she's alreadi learning fast at home, I taught her ABC, 123, & all kinda stuff I could think of, but its nt the same... Its different when being taught by her own mummy or a teacher... Moreover, she can socialise wif other children... Tats a very impt factor when she grows up, & nt be like those whu are being dislike by almost everybody....
Anw, I haf decided to enrol Princess Xuan at Appletree... Its not very long hours, hubby & I felt tat 1 1/2 hours is suitable for her alreadi... We need to train Xuan to sleep & wake up early... Her school starts at 9am-10.30am... Its a very good timing... As Xuan had like waste half a dae at home cuz she wakes up late, like normally 11+am....
She gonna start her school after the March Holidae!!~ Hope tat she wld enjoy herself....(",)

~ { 12:02 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Rush Rush Rush
The Tays are keep rushing for time todae...
First, Hubby gt to send his frenz to SSDC for his theory test before 11am...The reason hubby gt to send his frenz dere becuz hubby had borrowed his frenz hard disk to download the PSP games from him on Fridae, & his frenz need to pass to his gf todae, & so hubby gt to return him todae... But, we are onli leaving home at bt 10.20am, thou the frenz stay in Sengkang, BUT BUT BUT... I gt to meet sum1 at Hougang Mall at 10.30am to pass her stuff... Stress wor!!~ Rushing for time... & very rush wor!!~
So, we gt no choice but to fetch hubby's frenz 1st, den send mi to Hougang mall to meet the ger, den while Im meeting the ger, hubby send his frenz for his test... & I gt to wait for hubby to return... & you noe wat.... I waited 1 hour wor!!~ 1 hour!!~ It was 11.30am le, & Princess Xuan & mi haven had our dinner lor... I was so pissed off when hubby arrived... Okie... he apologised... Im angry wif him for like 15mins, den Im alrite le...
After tat, we went Tampines mall for shopping...Initially, I intended to get a toy for Princess Xuan at Toy R Us... But, nth suits her... When we are bt to leave, Princess Xuan caught sight of sum sort of Disney key chain whereby u gt to put $1 in to get it... As I din manage to get anithing for mi ger, so I juz insert e $1 in, juz to make mi ger happie... However, nth came out...So, I went to the counter & asked e sales assistant(SA)...
Me: Excuse me, I insert the coin inside but nth came out...
SA: Okie... Plz hold on for a moment...
Me: Okie
Okie...she was wrapping up some toys for some customer... Its was okie for mi to wait... Im nt in a rush anw.... Altogether, the customer bought 2 toys, & so SA was wrapping up the 2 toys 1 by 1....I waited...I waited for like 10mins....
SA finished wrapping up the toys for the customer, & I tot its e time she will be getting back to mi... BUT...NOPE... She served the next customer...OMG... You told mi to hold on for a moment, I waited... den you served the next customer... den u wanna mi to hols on till when...so I walked up to her again...
Me: Hello, how long do you wan me to wait?
SA: Huh...wat?
Me( I was so pissed off lor): You told mi to wait & you said you will get back to mi...Can you juz refund mi mine money.
SA ( in an attitude tone), took out a record book, hand mi a pen: Actually you gt to queue up
Me: You din even ask mi to queue up when I told you nth drop out... Okie... Wats ur name?
SA( in a very very soft tone now): ashleey
Me: Wat!!! ASHLEEY rite? Okie...
Gave her back the pen, & gt mi refund...
I gt the Toy R Us number & called, I wanna make a complain... but their office hours are frm mondae to fridae... Im gonna call on Mondae again...
Im so frustrated & told hubby I wanna spend money... So, we brought Princess Xuan to some sort of Arts corner( you noe, a small little corner whereby the kids can colour the picture wif those bright & beautiful paint or wif colourful sand), & get the paint & teach her to do it... It was a very nice picture of a ger holding 2 balloons... The complete work is even great!!~ Shall take a picture & show the next time...
We shopped till like 6pm & went to Geylang for our all time fav, Tau Huay for dessert & Pig Organs soup...
After tat, we went for a stroll... Omg... the "ladies by the road side" are so old nowadaes...All I saw was like bt mid 30s or 40s wor... Omg... I told hubby Im gonna faint le lor... Its realli OMG wor!!~ & most of the guys are like uncles wor... not those 30 or 40 years old uncles... but realli very old 1s de...
Anw, Im gonna go Malaysia next Saturdae for shopping... An1 wanna join mi? We are driving in....

~ { 10:29 PM }
reflections of you and me;