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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Todae, Princess Xuan & I are gonna get hubby our wedding anniversary prezzie... Lol...

Wake up at 10am, after all the washing up of Princess Xuan & mi, the both of us proceed to Hougang Mall 1st, cuz I needa go to Singpost 1st, den we had Qiu Lian Ban Mian for our brunch at the food court...

After eating, told Princess Xuan tat we r nt going home, we are going gaigai again... cuz went wif hubby to amk hub to check the price of hubby prezzie le, he wanna get himself de, but I told him nt to waste money, ( cuz actually I wanna get that for him de, so kaykay told him its a waste of money, thou its abit lah... But nvm...Lol)...

So, we took buy 165 to amk hub & we straight away chiong to the shop selling the most affordable price... I chose 8 or 9 games to be install inside... & I chose the colour that I like the most... hahaha.... Total damage is not impt at the end of the dae, cuz its sumthing hubby long to get... So to mi, its very worth it!!~ lol....

Sumthing funni too, thruout the buying, cuz the saleperson is helping mi to install the games while Princess Xuan & mi waited inside the shop, I told xuan tat its a prezzie for daddy, but xuan keep saying its her, she sae " wo de, wo de" haha... so cute!!~ Xuan insist tat the game is hers, but anw, its the same lah.... Lol....

Okie, heres the prezzie...Lavendar Violet PSP....(",)v
I bought the whole package for hubby....

~ { 3:57 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Went Hougang Mall to meet up wif Kris & Iris yest. We went Singpost to send a parcel to Jenny, all contain CNY goodies... Hope she will like them, & need Jenny to help pass them to Ines too!!~ We spent quite long at the Singpost doin tat... Lol... Wat to do, Its nt easy bringing kids along!!~
Den, we went KFC for lunch since Iris mention tat she wanna eat tat...
We did not shop much as are rushing to Iris' house since Kris gt to take sumthing from her, As her hse is very near to Hougang mall, we walked dere, like the good old times when we walked ard Hengchun...haha...Miss Hengchun life wor!!~
Iris' hse is very clean & comfortable wor!!~ I like the squarish design, easier to arrange all the furniture nicely!!~ The kids make alot of noise at her house too, it has been so long since the 3 kids realli did get together & enjoy themselves, they keep looking for each other while at home... Its so good tat Princess Xuan has 2 besties when she's small, if not, she will be so so lonely... She can learn how to behave in her social circle too... Its common for kids to fight among themselves & learn how to solve their own little problem, we feel tat its a very very good way of learning, they haf to deal wif that sooner or later!!~
Anw, Kris mention a dvd for learning for Lele, Im gonna get that at Popular one of this dae for Princess Xuan... Both lele & didi attending school now le wor!!~ Lele has started alreadi, & didi gonna start after CNY, Im onli gonna let Princess Xuan starts her schooling when we haf settle down for our new home... E 3 of them haf alreadi toilet train... Clever hor!!~ So sweet looking at the 3 cuttie!!~ Lol...(",)
Hope we can meet up very soon again ah!!~

~ { 1:12 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Hubby Brought Princess Xuan & mi to Mustafa to shop in the morning... Wonder why Mustafa rite? HAHAHA... Cuz I haf neva been dere before leh, Surprise mah?! But, after goin le, den I realise dere nth special wor... We finished window shopping damn fast lor!!!
Aiyoh, but Saturdae is not the mood to go home lor!!~ Why wasted a lovely Saturdae?? So, we decided to go AMK Hub for a walk, act hubby wanna check the price of PSP slim too!!~ Not very ex but nor very cheap too.... Den, onli after checking the price, den i realised tat the price realli differ by alot when ur selling in the mall & outside the mall ( those shophouses), a differ of bt $50 bucks wor!!~ Tats alot, rite?!
Conclusion: Certain things are better to get outside the mall...haha...
Anw, after counting den I realise tat CNY is actualli in a few weeks time, but I still haven get miself the dress, the make up, heels, Xuan's shoes ( currently looking for a nice nice boots for her, but all erm.... CANNOT MAKE IT DE), hubby's top, blah blah blah...(Supposedly to get on last fri, but cuz Lele fell sick, so we cancelled out aptmt...) Howeva, we managed to get a Gold Winnie e Pooh's pendant + a gold chain for Princess Xuan at Poh Heng on the dae... Both hubby & mi haf all the while wanna get that for Princess Xuan, & since CNY is near, muz as well get tat for Princess Xuan... Initially, we were indecisive whether to get the silver 1 or the gold 1... But after tinking, we felt tat winnie the pooh looks nicer in gold, cuz the actual colour of pooh is yellow mah, so gold wld be a more ideal 1...So, in total, we damaged $265 for the pendant & the chain.... Pendant costs $107 while the chain is $158...Our next target for Princess Xuan is the bracelet... An1 wanna sponsor??? Hahaha....
Now, now, now... haf been wondering wat hubby wld get for mi for our wedding anniversary... Hmm... He sae its the tots that count, so 1 box of Rocher of the heart shape de will do le hor... hahaha... I told him, if he realli wanna get tat, wat can I do... hahaha... But if he dares.... hahahaha....
We celebrate our anniversary last year in Taiwan... Wonder hw we shall spend the dae... We pushed forward to 9th Feb 2008, as on 11th Feb, hubby needs to work....
Anw, I met Alison at AMK hub on the sat... She was dining wif her daughter, ting ting, & her hubby at New York New York... & I spotted her cuz I was actualli looking at the serving in the restaurant, wanna see if the food looks delicious...hahaha...
Lastly, I fell sick for the last 2 daes, But Im fine now le...
Looking forward to this fridae, Kris, Iris & I postpone our date to dis Fridae... We gonna shop till drop ah!!!~ hahaha...
Den, Im gonna colour & highlight mi hair on the cuming Sat & mi 2 precious wld cum & fetch mi & go Chinatown for the CNY street!!~ (",)v

~ { 4:37 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Friday, January 11, 2008

Nowadaes, we keep buying Red Cherry to eat... Cuz its so sweet & Juicy for this season, the uncle sae these are from Australia de, those sour cherry are from China de... I prefer the sweet 1, so I bought a total of 400g in 2 daes, 200g each dae, cuz Princess Xuan & mi finishes VERY fast, we ate as our tea break...haha... So, in the end I bought another 200g, if nt, hubby gt nth to eat liao...OPPS!! We bought water apples, jackfruit & small cute mandarin oranges too!!~ Yummilicious wor!!~ Fruits are good... I bought lotsa fruit for us, as fruits are way way better den tibits, wld rather Princess Xuan eats fruit den tibits... HEALTHY!!!~

~ { 10:04 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Gonna meet Kris & Iris for shopping dis cuming fridae!!~ Cuz celebration for new year was cancelled tat time as Kris had sumthing on... Anw, recd a good news from Kris few daes ago, WAH!!! felt so happie for her wor!!~ Shall not reveal here cuz its sumthing personal ah... hehe... But so glad for her lor!!~ (",)
Yup, anw, we decided to go Bugis for our new year shopping, Kris has to get new year clothes for Lele, while I haf to get a pair of nice nice shoes for Princess Xuan cuz I haf alreadi bought 2 dresses for xuan alreadi for CNY... For miself, has to buy 1 more dress( I alreadi haf 1) & a pair of heels, Kris gt to buy herself a pair of shoes too!!~ Nt forgetting our hubby, we gt to buy a shirt for both our hubby oso... If we dun buy for them, dun tink they will be buying themselves wor!!~ Guys... Haizz...Esp married guys... Haizzz.... Hahahaha.... Moreover, Im gonna get miself fake eyelashes & Lipgloss too!!~ Gonna doll miself up for CNY ah... Gers!!~ * Giggles*
Tink I will be spending alot on Fridae, buy wat to do... CNY mah!!! Plus, our ROM anniversary falls on the fifth day of new year dis year, wah... Im gonna broke liao... Haf alreadi decided wat to get for hubby le, but I wun be buying it so early, prob next week!~ Will onli be reveal once we haf exchange our prezzie on the 11th Feb ah... Hahaha, Im gonna make him so touch!!!
Hmm... wonder wat hubby will get for mi, I told him I like sumthing from TIFFANY.. haha... joking lah!!~ Its the thoughts & the surprise tat I like... Realli!!~ Gers love surprises!!~

~ { 1:58 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Happie 2008!!
Mi 1st entry of the year wor!!~
Anw, hubby juz recovered from his food poisoning... Wonder hw he gt it?? Hmm... He had visited 2 doctors altogether... 1 on the 1st Jan 2008, costs $99 wor!!~ SO NOT WORTH IT!! However, after visiting tat doctor for such a costly amt, he was not recovered, so in e end, I asked him to go haf a blood test in the hospital... to play safe ah... But luckily, he was alrite now!!~
Den, yesterdae, I juz gt mi hair re-perm again!!~ Hehe... cuz mi curl was not curl enuff le... & since chinese new year is ard the corner, so I tink its time le... Had miself a digital perming & a rebonding for the fringe, so much curler den I did in Taiwan previously... very satisfied wif the image NOW... (",)... Also, I had book another apmt wif Nick for colouring & highlighting of mi hair on the 19th Jan... Erm... now considering of the colour I wan...
Yup, another bad news in 2008!!~ after Princess Xuan evening nap yest, I feel her & realise tat her temperature was not normal, took her temp & found it to be 38.5, so I quickly wake hubby up & drove xuan to the clinic at Hougang Mall...Haizz.. it was a throat infection, luckily, Princess Xuan's fever subside now le!!~ Juz tat she gt to finish her antibiotic.... so worry wor...This is the 1st time Princess Xuan falls sick since we came back to Singapore....
Heres mi resolution for year 2008:
1. To haf our own house...
2. Hafing our 2nd baby
3.All mi loved ones To be rich & healthy & Happie
4.To haf more gatherings wif frenz
5.Visit Bangkok
6. Visit Hong Kong
7. Visit Genting
8. To lose weight till Im 42kg
Hope all can be fulfilled in the 2008 year!!~

~ { 9:56 PM }
reflections of you and me;