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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A wonderful breakfast at Jalan Kayu Prata House on Mondae morning... As hubby was on leave on tat dae, he brought Princess Xuan & mi to the place for delicious prata!!~

~Mi plain prata & Hubby's egg prata~
~Princess Xuan's Paper Prata~
Taste so crispy!!~
Our Indian Rojak

Our Chicken Briyani
Our food

~ { 1:22 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Getting all ready to go to Orchard for Vien's bdae celebration... As I haf mention earlier, tats a surprise celebration for her at Ding Tai Fung...Gonna treat the bdae ger to the meal~!!
Was waiting for seat outside Paragon Ding Tai Fung... So muz as well haf some cam whoring time~!!

Onli Princess Xuan, Xiu & mi... cuz hubby was at M1 getting a new handset for himself while Beryl, Audrey & Vien haf yet to arrive...**

Mummy & cute cute ger ger

Princess Xuan & xiu jiejie... Xuan purposely do this... Cute ah... So cheeky!!~

At last, dere's a nice pix taken...hmm (",)v

We had order quite alot of food... Prawn wanton mee soup for miself to share wif Princess Xuan, Beryl ordered tat too, Hubby had gt himself a beef noodle soup, Xiu gt herself herbal chicken mee, hahahaha...i insist~(inside joke), Aud & Vien had prawn + egg fried rice~ Side order was crab xiao dang bao, i tink, normal xiao dang bao, yam xiao dang bao & 2 plates of xiao cai~ Erm... I shd sae its abit too healthy meal for mi, cuz I prefer sumthing tats more spicy, but I shd sae, e meal reallu suit Princess Xuan, cuz she realli loves it, she realli ate alot~

After our dinner, was too full after the meal... so we were sitting ard waiting for our food to be digested abit~

The ger is so cute for the new few photos... Love her cheekiness & sweet smile....""!

Princess Xuan looks so cute here... Realli loves her smile so much~!!

The bdae ger.... Its her 22! Opps...
Princess Xuan waiting for the cake... Look at her eyes... She's looking at the cake lor~

So, thou its a very small cake, Vien gt to share her small cake wif Princess Xuan... haha.... Taking some more photos outside Paragon...
Look like a small model ah~ She realli gt the potential in tat!

~ { 10:53 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Saturday, November 24, 2007

It was so tiring yesterdae!!! Shopping is fun!!! But carrying the kids are real real tiring, if deres onli the kids, mebbie its still alrite, but wif all the baggie...OMG!!! Tats realli a very big prob for the 2 of us....( sweat)
Anw, lets forget bt the unhappie part... E 4 of us realli had a wonderful lunch at Swensen yest, I ordered clayfish pasta to share wif Princess Xuan, while Kris order Chicken & cheese pasta, i tink.... Side order was the wings & the fries... & Children's earthquake for the dessert... However, the waiter took so long to serve the side order... We had almost finish our pasta alreadi lor... den onli they wanted to serve the side dish, so i told them if the wings & fries are not done, Den i wanna cancel them le, so waiter went into the kitchen to check & out wif the fries, so bobian, the 4 of us gt to finish the fries, ( we cancel the wings le), & den the ice-cream that we promised the kids.... It was such a full meal!
Kris wif lele

Princess Xuan wif mummy

After hafing our lunch, we went to bugis street for our shopping, Kris bought 4 pairs of earring while I gt miself a pair of shoes, a ribbon necklace for Princess Xuan , & a pink strip polo tee for hubby... Lele gt the same polo tee too~ Lele looks so cute when he try them on.... We saw alot of nice nice clothes, accessories & baggie wor..was so tempted to buy them all, but I cant..if not i will be poke lor! haha...
In the middle of the shopping, as the kids were so tired le, it was their napping time... so we decided to go to a cafe & haf a drink while the babie can haf a good rest so as to continue the shopping trip later~
We continue to shop at Bugis street for a while before we go to Bugis Junction & shop dere... U noe, It was realli so hot for 2 ladies carryin a baby each... So, we wanted to rest our feet & hands...The way to do that is to bring them to the nursery & let them play dere....Phew, at last, we can rest le...(",)v

We stayed dere till sum1 came to collect her stuff, den after tat, wanna to shop at the children's department for their clothes... & juz at the moment, mi hubby happened to arrive from work le, so we decided to bring the kids to the kids arcade to haf fun....

Mi new shoes....Love it
Played at the arcade for a while & continue shopping, bought a set of clothes for Princess Xuan, in pink... it was so lovely... Worth the money, $33.80, Hubby oso bought a gift set for his colleague daughter, whose 1 years old bdae happened to be next sat.... Den after tat, we went to meet Kris' hubby for dinner at the food junction....
Followed by Watson, den fetch Kris' & family home...
Home Sweet Home....
Gonna celebrate Vien's Bdae todae... Audrey & the rest said tat we all gonna gif her a surprise todae.. means Vien act did not noe tat we are gonna to haf a early celebration for her todae.. Looking forward to it~

~ { 2:23 PM }
reflections of you and me;