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Saturday, September 29, 2007

F the mecerdes driver, a LKK auntie...
Yesterdae, 28th Feb 2007, Bibi met wif a car accident at Hougang Blk 555 dere... After stopping at a red light n continue his journey to come home, e stupid LKK auntie whu is driving a mecerdes knocked mi hubby down, causing mi hubby to be jerk out of his motor's seat... & landed himself on the main road. Hubby landed on his right elbow... He was injured on his right elbow, left arm, both legs & his back...uckily, not v major injury, but haf to rest at home for faster recovery!
The fucker auntie lor.... actualli not supposed to park her mecerdes at the double yellow line with her hazar light on... So wat if she's rich! Den, she's indecisive & hesitant whether to make the illegal U turn anot, & mi poor hubby juz happen to going to pass her, & stupid LKK auntie happened to FINALLY DECIDED to make her U TURN!!! & BANG!!! hubby was knocked down... Wah, realli F her lor~ (Pardon mi for being so vulgar, I'm realli v frustrated)
& u noe wat did the auntie sae... she came down her car & said " who ask u to ride so fast?", yup.. she was refering to mi hubby.... Damn her lor... hubby was now lying flat on the main road le lor... Then, an uncle driving behind mi hubby de & witnessed everything, shouted back to the stupid auntie " He was nt at fault, u r the 1 whu is at fault lor!!!" ... the auntie kept quiet!!!
Initially, e stupid auntie asked mi hubby whether izit possible to settle the problem privately nt, as in dun make a police report! Damn her lah, luckily mi hubby rejected her.... Mi hubby lah, dun let mi go down to the accident scene, if not, Im surely scold e LKK auntie till she dou tao ping(hokkein) lor... Im so angry now!
I realli feel so lucky that Hubby is not v seriously injured... Hope he recover soon~

~ { 12:21 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, September 27, 2007

...100 things that WeiWei loves in her life...
  1. Princess Xuan
  2. Bibi
  3. Mi family
  4. Money (who doesn't, haha)
  5. Clothes
  6. More clothes (hehe)
  7. Shoes
  8. & More shoes
  9. Necklaces
  10. Frenz
  11. Taiwan life
  12. Manjong
  13. Baby's clothes ( they are all so cute, arent they, esp girls ones)
  14. Taiwan Tv programmes
  15. Yoga Lim You Jia(he realli can sing...)
  16. Aska Yang Zong wei ( he can sing too,listen to them, damn touched)
  17. Nice music
  18. ROmantic & slow music
  19. cooking
  20. Shopping
  21. Ktv ( too bad, its v troublesome for me to go now!!!)
  22. Mascara
  23. Magazines
  24. Facial Mask
  25. Plain water
  26. Peach green tea wif pearl
  27. Bags
  28. My business( haha... haf fun doing all e stuff)
  29. Zzzz
  30. Good food
  31. Delicious food
  32. Lip gloss esp those that shine
  33. Lele & Didi ( They are so cute)
  34. My curly hair
  35. Lv wallet
  36. black undies ( haha...wun get dirty so easily... muahahahaha)
  37. My hp ( Bibi bought for me as our wedding anniversary prezzie)
  38. Hairband
  39. Hugging Princess Xuan
  40. Kissing Princess Xuan
  41. Kissing Bibi
  42. Hugging Bibi
  43. Blogging
  44. Mamy PoKo diapers ( haha)
  45. Gucci Bag
  46. Tau Huay
  47. Tau Suan
  48. Black glutinious rice paste ( oso known as the ou bi ber--Hokkein)
  49. Gathering with frenz
  50. Eyeliner
  51. Eyebrow liner ( those that need to draw with brushes de)
  52. Earring
  53. Chong Qing ma la steamboat at suntec city
  54. demin
  55. Heels
  56. Facial
  57. Rebonded hair ( my all time favourite)
  58. Organic Baby Products
  59. Swensen
  60. Chocolate Ice cream
  61. Ferrero Rocher
  62. Rainy Days when Im not going out
  63. Halterneck tops
  64. Dress
  65. Dessert
  66. Reading others blog
  67. Friendster
  68. Diamond ( all girls favourite)
  69. Babies
  70. Capri-Sonne fruit juice
  71. Friday
  72. Saturday
  73. Made in Japan (items are believe to be of a better quality ah)
  74. Erm... cuz I tink I realli like money, so yup... MONEY again!
  75. Bibi saying "I love u" to me... Hmm...
  76. to slack
  77. to slack on the bed
  78. to slack on the bed every morning
  79. good news
  80. surprises
  81. Sms
  82. hair Clips
  83. Baby colours
  84. Black
  85. White
  86. Mosturiser
  87. Contact lens ( I dun like wearing spec out)
  88. Clean
  89. Travelling on the bus/coach/car listening to nice music on a rainy day
  90. Princess Xuan sleeping ( den onli I can haf mi own time to miself)
  91. Adidas
  92. Playing & Chatting with Princess Xuan
  93. clinch a deal
  94. Everyone stop asking me about mi supplier ( if u wanna do it, go & get ur own supplier. I dun mind u getting ur own & start the same business as me, but not thru mi...Frankly speaking, Im realli v pissed by that alreadi... had been asked by SUPER ALOT of ppl)
  95. happie life
  96. Long hair
  97. Nite
  98. Sunset
  99. Dinner

100.Another beginning of the day

Hey, tats all...

~ { 4:35 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Hey peeps, here are juz some random fotos tat I took... V random hor hor hor??? Muahahaha... Anw, some taken while I was in Taiwan, some while Im back in Sg le~ Mostly all of Prncess Xuan... A record of her growing up huh... (",) Anw, I realli miss Taiwan life.. Not tat i dislike Sg, its DIFF!!! I haf mi frenz in Taiwan nw... Probably hafing lunch outside nw... OKAY! MI frenz... Im refering to Kris, Iris, Inez, Mrs Poh & of cuz Jenny Teo... Tats ALL!!! I love dis groups of peeps cuz they are all truthful to one another, not fake, not pretentious lor!
Act, I rarely sae I love peeps de... except to Princess Xuan & Bibi... I dunno y dis time, mebbie we haf realli build a strong & firm relationship while we are in Taiwan bah~ Hope tat our relationshp will stay the same when u all get back frm Taiwan... we still can go for high tea n shopping in town while our hubby are working~ DEAL?!
Anw, Im gonna be REAL buzy dis weekend, Bibi's frenz, oso mi frenz, noe her thru bibi de... wedding dinner wld be on dis saturdae... den Peishan jie's baby son celebration of 1st mth on dis Sundae~ But I still haven gt a prezzie for Baby Gerald... Oh mi Gosh! Gonna shop for it dis fridae nite when Bibi returns frm work... Realli not enuff time to get a prezzie le~ Hence, Im so sorrie I cant attend the primary school gathering on fridae nite... :(

I love dis jiejie beside Princess Xuan, she's so guai(1) lor... now hw to take care of her younger bros n those younger ones...

Lele... Ah yi misses u leh...

~ { 1:59 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, September 24, 2007

Went Chinese Garden last Friday... As Princess Xuan has never been dere before, so dis is her 1st time dere~ She was overjoyed n excited when she see all the BIG BIG lantern dere...erm.. or shd i sae lighting? Hmm... Anw, sae SingYing n her mama dere oso, forgot to take a pix wif her nei~ Wasted!!!
After tat, we went IMM for a walk, cuz anw, we are at Jurong le, so dun waste the trip, muz as well go dere walk walk... (",)
Btw, was VVV disappointed wif sum1 yest, e sum1, I shall not sae whu, NOT Bibi nor Princess Xuan...I shall not sae much bt that le...
Frenz... Haizz... Kris & Iris... I miss u all leh.. I wanna return to Taiwan leh... Feel tat life in Taiwan suit mi more... Frenz I met in Taiwan oso felt much much closer to mi~

~ Piz tat we took in Taiwan on mi bdae ~

~ { 2:13 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

To all mi frenz... sorrie for e lack of update, was realli buzy wif secret wardrobe lately... wif all e posting, ordering of clothes.. sending...updating...its realli tired & nt easy to be a lady boss wor~ haha...

aniway, sales was pretty good for the past few daes, so new stocks will be updating soon, & for all mi frenz, on top of e discount over dere, u will get a 10% discount more... why? becuz u r mi frenz mah... haha...

ok, shall updates u all about mi life after I came back frm taiwan...I miss mi taiwan frenz, I miss mi taiwan life...thou I get to meet up wif mi frenz in sg... but its different, u noe... DIFFERENT! Im nt sure hw to describe tat...but.... haizz... sg's nt bad too lah~

ok, i shall stop here 1st, cuz Im realli bz wif secret wardrobe!!!

~ { 5:03 PM }
reflections of you and me;