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Sunday, July 22, 2007

Princess Xuan noes hw to wear clothes by herself le wor~ Indeed a clever ger ah~ I tink Bibi & mi ji fa her qian neng ah... why??? hahaha....
Everything started wif dis little vain ger going ard wif her little pink dress, asking her papa & mama to help her wear.
Her mama being v bz wif e washed laundry, preparing to hang e clothes out... asked e little vain ger to go find her papa whu was watching e tv to help her wif it...
So, dis ger ger of mine walked to her papa, asking her papa to help her wear it... BUT... tink e papa is v lazy or wat... Here de conversation of them:
Little Vain ger: papa, pooh pooh pooh pooh ( e dress has a pooh logo)
papa: qu wen mummy keyi bu keyi chuang ( ask mummy whether u are allow to wear dis nt)
Little Vain ger: miimii miimii( e way she called mi, mummy, w/o e mum),pooh pooh pooh pooh...
Holding her dress up.
miimii:qu jiao papa bang ni chuang, mummy mei you kong, ok, good ger.( go ask papa to help u dress, im nt free)
Pulling her little dress behind her.
miimii:gerger ah, bu yao la yi fu ah...yi yi ah. ( do not pull ur dress, dirty ah)
Little Vain ger:papa
E papa ignored her.
& I had finished hanging e clothes le. & proceed to folding e clothes le.
& mi little vain ger grumbled nw cuz no one wanted to help her. ( it was a 37degress man, & she had clothes on already).
Therefore, without ani helping hands, she sat on her papa tummy & slot one of her hand out of e hole of e sleeve, & slot her head out of e hole of e head-hole(haha), & e other hand out of e other sleeve...
Deteng.... her dress was on her! Being stunned!!! Miimii & papa looked at each other, & miimii saw tat papa's mouth went sumthing like "wah". They burst into laughter... hahahahaha
Clever ger...
P.S: Im returning to sg on e 28th july 2007 le.. mi flight wld be at 9am at Kaohsiung airport... An 4 hrs flight.. reaching in sg ard 1pm bah... I miss sg!!! & of cuz I wld miss Taiwan too...

~ { 2:57 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Plz refer to 28th june.. new fotos uploaded!!!

~ { 12:22 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Saturday, July 14, 2007

It has been so long since I blog ah... haha... realli v lazy nwadaes to blog... esp when I go out practically everydae wor~ cuz Im returning to Sg soon le mah + all e packing & stuff... so Im realli bz ah... Therefore, I shall still keep mi new image confidential till e dae I return sg.. hahahaha...

~ { 10:27 AM }
reflections of you and me;