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Thursday, March 29, 2007

~Mi lunch wif Frenz~
Dis was when I went for lunch wif mi frenz weeks ago... Juz gt e pix frm mi frenz, so shall upload e pix here...Pix taken before Princess Xuan cut her hair!

Cute rite? I love dis pix v much leh...

Mama & Baby

Princess Xuan went crazy when she saw dis

~ { 5:55 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, March 25, 2007

~FaMiLy vIdEo~
Suddenly, Bibi & I were so interested in making a video clip, or considered, a movie( sumting litat lah) for ourselves...which include Princess Xuan, Bibi & mi...So, w/o further ado, we spent like bt 9-10hrs making a movie for e 3 of us using e Windows Movie Maker... It was quite ez act, for an IT idiot like mi~
Finally, after our combined power, our movie was done juz nw! Hurray~ It was abt a 15mins show! I love it so much, so does Bibi... & Princess Xuan keeps saying "mei mei", which means pretty...
For ur info, e show was abt our daily life, growing up process of Princess Xuan & those places we visited ever since Xuan was born & blah blah blah...
I realli love e show v much... & I realli realli love Bibi & Princess Xuan~ MuackZzzz... (",)v

~ { 10:08 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, March 22, 2007

New hairstyle
Princess Xuan juz gt herself a new hairstyle yo... Initially, she had an over-shouldered hair~Her hair is shorter nw, & layered! As summer is arriving, so wif shorter hair, she wun feels too hot le! Princess Xuan looks so fresh & neat nw! Will post her pix up ASAP de!!!

~ { 6:25 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, March 18, 2007

I cant gif up
HaiZzz...Princess Xuan is realli getting more & more out of hands dis daes... Hw shd I teach her? Its hard to teach a child!!!
Argh...I cant gif up!!!

~ { 4:17 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Friday, March 16, 2007

EOT Dinner on 13.03.07
We had an EOT Dinner for Bibi's collegues, Chua & Jerome, on e 13.03.07~

Dinner started at 7.30pm... Bibi helped to buy e dishes for tat nite! We had Peking Duck, French Fries, Fried Rice, Fried Chicken Wing & Pizza for our dinner tat nite! I din eat much cuz its oily man!

Anw, its quite boring tat nite lah.. so act nth to blog about~ Muzhahaha!

Bibi... Jerome...Chua

~ { 2:23 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, March 11, 2007

~KaoHsiung Trip Wif Peiling & Wingyan~
Went Kaohsiung yest wif Peiling & Wingyan~

Left home at bt 10am in e morning, cuz Im afraid we mite be late, Bibi, Princess Xuan & mi ate bread on e car for our breakfast on e way dere...We took bt 1 1/2 hrs to reach 爱河 carrefour... So since Peiling & Wingyan haven reach yet, we went to fix our DVD player 1st... as mi Dvd player 不能 on... & was bought at Carrefour, so gonna repair dere~

Okay, solved e prob le but e 2 gers still were nt here yet so I called Peiling & realised tat e 2 "sotong" lost their way lor, they went e wrong direction... No wonder cant reach lah! But anw, I din wait for too long ( I can shop ard Carrefour 1st).. Soon, they reached e place le lor!!!

Realli so long nv see them le nei~ Since Sec Sch le lor~ Wah... 算一算, 5 yrs + le!!! Yup, as I haven had mi lunch & oni ate bread in e morning, I was damn hungry, so is Bibi... So went to eat Duck noodle before we went to Han shen shopping mall... So sorrie tat Peiling cant eat e mee... Anw, e duck mee is v nice, esp e chilli... I love it cuz its spicy! U cant find spicy food in Taiwan so easily!

After our lunch dere, we proceed to Han Shen shopping mall lor, hated e carpark dere... Its at e basement de mah... den u haf to go curve & curve in order to reach e carpark lor.. so by e time, Im at B6, I was like so giddy le lor... Okay, back to e pt, act shopping mall in Taiwan are all e same de... so I went Hanshen cuz I oni wanna go to e market place, supermarket act, to shop for Singapore food... Bought lobster salad, curry spicy, Bak Kut Teh, Tibits..... Search high & low for e 蜡笔小新 biscuit but dun haf le... Haiz... If i noe hor, I wld buy more tat time cuz Princess Xuan loves it mah~

Den, we went to Dollars... a place like Carrefour de... But I felt tat here sells more ting tat Carrefour... so prefer to shop here lor~ We spent so long shopping at Dollars lor... Moreover, Mani ppl praised tat Princess Xuan looks so cute lor~ they played wif her summore, & Princess Xuan "A" so mani things frm e promoter lor~ Esp e promoter whu promotes potato chips de, Princess Xuan keeps go to her for e sample... In e end, she gave Princess Xuan a bag of sample lor! Wahahaha~E whole trolley was full nei! No choice lah... drove dere for like 2 hours le, muz realli buy e ting tat Hengchun dun sells de mah...

Soon, it was time for dinner le... & since Peiling & Wingyan nv go to 六合夜市 before, so we muz well go dere for dinner lor~ we din shop for v long dere cuz e nite market was mainly selling food de... Btw, I saw a My Melody necklace dere selling at NT100 oni, but cuz Bibi sae dere's scratch on its ear, so in e end, I din buy it... so regret it nw! *Boo*

Finalli, its time to go home le... & cuz e 2 gers carry so mani tings le, cant let them go home themselves.. Imagine they haf to carry 大包小包 & sit bus ah...so muz well drive them back home lor... & summore it was near mah... But hor, Wingyan was so suay lor, while she was getting her tings in e car booth, she accidentally "kiup" her finger nei~ *Ouch* Felt so painful for her lor... Hope she's alrite nw! So poor thing ah! Anw, hope to meet them real soon again~

~ { 10:40 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Friday, March 9, 2007

Kris came back frm her home leave frm Singapore since Mondae le... We had a little catch up at mi hse juz nw... Initialli, we wanna go out for lunch de, But cuz Im cooking dinner tonite, it's hard for mi to haf lunch outside... Yup, Im cooking Fish soup tonite, so Im gonna wait for e fish to defrost in order to cut into slice, & gonna brew e soya bean aka ikan bilis soup (izzit brew ah???)... It wld take sum time so we decided to order pizza to eat at mi hse instead le~

Had asked Kris to help mi buy black soya sauce back frm Singapore... She passed it to mi juz nw too... Haizzz.. wat to do!!! SOYA SAUCE IMPORTED FRM SINGAPORE... Taiwan dun sell tat... Anw, for ur info, Tw dun sell alot of thing nei~ Even Taiwan Mac din provide chilli sauce, they oni haf Ketchup!!! Yup... ONI Ketchup!!! 像我这种吃辣椒的人要怎么办呢??? No choice, e oni solution is to DUN EAT Chilli le... Haizzz... Life in Taiwan aint tat wonderful at all ah!!!

Other den e 宝贵 soya sauce ah... Bibi oso asked his frenz whu went back to Singapore for home leave to help us to buy Ribena back... Wanna let Princess Xuan try it, as e Ribena here is realli ex lor~ Imported stuff frm Singapore is v ex & I haf to go to Kaohsiung to get it~ So u see... I realli miss Singapore food!!! Esp Fishball!!!! Oh... Yummy fishball!!! Bibi misses tat oso~

说到 Kaohsiung, Im going dere tml to meet Peiling & Wingyan le... They are here for their uni exchange programme bah... studying in Kaohsiung uni nw... So exciting ah, gonna meet frenz in e foreign country! cool bah??~ Besides meeting e gers, haf to fix mi DVD player, shop for tibits tat Hengchun dun haf de... & to go to e 灯展 at Kaohsiung!!! Wat an exciting dae!!! Looking forward to tat man!!! Hope dere will be lotsa foto tml bah...

~ { 4:30 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Mosquito Bite
Argh... As I sae, Princess Xuan gt "kissed" by mosquito on her arms rite... She has like 6-7 包 on her rite arms lor... So poor ting rite?? Mi & Bibi see her arms le oso so heart pain lor~ Not oni her rite arms, her left arms, face & fingers oso kana "kissed" by e stupid mosquito lor~... So kelian nei~
Anw, cuz there's 包 on her rite arms rite... She was so SUPER DOOPER ITCHY lor... So Princess Xuan 被痒醒 at 4AM last nite... Wah! She keep scratching them but cuz I made her wear those long sleeve shirt so she scratch 不到... Den she was realli v frustrated.... So in e end, mi & Bibi, too, woke up at e same time to acc her... Bibi helped to catch e mosquito while I acc Princess Xuan to watch TV... It was until like 5 sumthing le den Princess Xuan was willing to go back to slp...
MOSQUITO!!! I wanna KILL u all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S: Todae, while our way to Kenting Mac for our breakfast, we heard e song frm our MP3... 不怕不怕... Princess Xuan oso noe hw to sing e song leh... She wld sae e last word of every sentence... So cute lor!!! Indeed a clever ger wor!!!

~ { 10:05 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Friday, March 2, 2007

Princess Xuan is learning to sae 爸爸妈妈,我爱你!!! So cute when she repeats after mi every words! cuz I wld sae 1 word by 1 word de mah...& den she wld follow... Tink Princess Xuan is learning v fast compared to baby of her age le... Im so proud of mi little ger!
Btw, Princess Xuan can express herself v well nw le...whether she's hungry or full... or whether wat she wans le... Can sae lotsa words oso le... so clever ah!!! Esp cute when she sae 谢谢... she wld bow when she sae tat...
Moreover, Princess Xuan wld get angry when I sae she 没有美美...She likes it when her Papa or mi praise tat she's 美美... So small den so 爱美了rite?Muahaahaa...Princess Xuan loves to take her comb & keep combing her own hair...loves to dress up... loves mi to tidy up her hair... loves to carry her own little Strawberry bag & walks ard at home or when we are outside shopping... wld chose which shoe to wear when its time to go out... sumtimes wld chose wat to wear oso... But aniway, Princess Xuan is 真的很美嘛! I realli tink so leh... Nt becuz Im e mama... But its e truth bah!
Lastly, Princess Xuan gt "kissed" by mosquito on her little cheeks... Tat mosquito ah... realli wanna kill it lor( killed by Bibi juz nw..at last... tink stay in mi hse for quite sum time le)... Nw Princess Xuan gt a big red 包 on her cheeks cuz she kept scratching it even I tried to stop her mani times le... den haf 3 small red 包 on her face oso... Tat mosquito lah..."kissed" her 4 times nei!!! So poor thing hor? I dun like e mosquito here... ,unlike Singapore, when it stung sumone... it will leave a black scar on e skin after it heals de lor... so when e 包 seem ok le... I haf to keep apply Hazeline on e spot so tat it wun leave a scar behind de... Tried dis for mani times le & ot realli works man... Howeva, Tw dun sells Hazeline wor, luckily, Alison gave mi 1... realli so lucky!
Aniway, I shall stop here & rest le...

~ { 10:08 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Random fotox
Dis shopping cart is Princess Xuan latest toy bought by 最疼她的 Papa... Frm e amt of Princess Xuan's toys... U can see hw her Papa pampered her le bah!!! So, after buying tat, U can see her pushing her cart... like pretending to go shopping at home~

Dis is e chocolate biscuit tat 蜡笔小新 loves in e show~

Princess Xuan is wearing mi heels...

Aniway, here is more pix on Princess Xuan sitting on her 马马...可爱吧!!!

~ { 2:09 PM }
reflections of you and me;