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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

~***HappiE nEw YeaR***~
~Mi New Year Eve~
Dis is mi 1st time experiencing New Year in another country... Yup, Im gonna 度过 mi lunar new year in Taiwan dis year! Todae, Im gonna haf mi reunion dinner wif Bibi's colleages... Our plan for todae is to 放鞭炮 & 孔明灯 wif e rest of e guys~ Cant wait for e moment to cum cuz I haf neva put a 孔明灯 in mi whole life be4 nei~ So exciting!!! *giggles*
Dis is all e firecrackers tat we r gonna put at nite~

Dis is e 冲天炮... Its effect is damn nice de...

Our reunion dinner wif e rest of e guys & family~ Gonna haf steamboat tonite... But, e food was nt v yummilicious aniway... Haizzz, I miss fishball!!! There's no fishball in Taiwan, Taiwan style fishball is nt delicious at all... Bibi, too, miss Singapore fishball... Summore, we haf made an agreement tat we muz go for our fav fishball bee hoon wif lotsa chilli when we return to Singapore...Woot~ Yummy!!!
Princess Xuan eating fried bee hoon... She ate alot~

See, nt v yummy rite??? Haizzz....

Princess Xuan likes e fried bee hoon v much... Princess Xuan is eating herself... V clever hor?

After our dinner, all e kids were playing so happily together~ Its so good & happy & troubleless to be a child... *Envy*

Dave... Princess Xuan... Didi
Vincent, Audrey, Princess Xuan, Didi, Dave

Opps! Princess Xuan shows her panties...

Didi trying to kiss Princess Xuan, & Xuan oso 嘟嘟嘴... (Look carefully)There' a few pix tat Didi wanna kiss Princess Xuan... They r a couple.. Hehe~
~So sweet hor?~

Cute mah?
Yes, they r a couple

Didi trying to kiss Princess Xuan again!

Yup... 1 more
Princess Xuan, plz dun 挖鼻孔...v uncivilisedInest & mi

Bibi getting oranges frm his boss

Bibi, Princess Xuan & an orange
Bibi's frenz, Princess Xuan & 2 oranges

We decided to put 孔明灯at bt 9+pm... cuz there's nth to do after gifing out of e oranges by Bibi's boss...I bought a 孔明灯 at NT180 at e incense shop while Iris bought 10 孔明灯online at a total price of NT1000... Buy 10 den there's free delivery~

Mi family wishes

Our turn to put le...Initially, ours was nt as easy as e other to release to e sky... cuz ours texture was nt e same, it was thicker... So, Bibi has gt to add kerosene in order for it to fly up e sky...

At last, Mi 1st 孔明灯
Up it goes~

So high up it goes

Firecrackers time

I will ask Bibi to get e video frm his frenz when he goes back to work~

***1st Dae Of New Year***
Decided to go to 屏东花果梦幻乐园on e 1st dae of New Year... Cuz we saw e advertisement frm e Tv, & it seem fun & interesting! So, wanna bring Princess Xuan to go look look see see~
Princess Xuan eating 旺旺 while waiting for mi to make up...*giggles*... Usualli, I would haf finish preparing everything before Princess Xuan & Bibi de, but nt on tat dae...So sorrie to make e both of them waiting for mi~
Seem v yummi ah?
Before proceeding to e theme park, we wanna go to e 光音庙 to pray 1st... Cuz its customally for Bibi & mi to go Bugis to pray on e 1st dae of e Lunar New Year de...& so we shall stick to it even when we r in Taiwan~
~On our way~

*Notice Princess Xuan little finger!*

Princess Xuan is happie

its hot nei

Bibi driving

while e 2 of us busily taking fotos...hahaha

Finalli, we haf reached our destination after 2 long hours wor~...Princess Xuan was already 不耐烦on e car le~ Moreover, e carpark was full at e place, took quite sum time to get a parking lot at last! Btw, cuz there was no specfic no or ani road mark, so ones muz realli try his own ways to rmb where he has park his car... cuz dere's a guy whu realli cant find his car man! & I noe we r v bad, cuz mi & Bibi sae tat mebbie he can find his car when e theme park closes at 6pm... cuz dere wld be oni a car left at e carpark dere, & it wld be so obvious for him le~ Wahahaha~
Aniway, e entrance fee for e theme park is act v cheap lor..its oni NT100 per person nei~so v worth it lor!

Dis is a pineapple
There's bee inside


Green pumpkin
I love e water apple here... It's so so juicy & big lor... & its oso redder den e ones u see in Singapore de! Singapore de water apple nt as sweet as those in taiwan de~U muz realli try de water apple in Taiwan yo...

Water apple

Im drinking waterapple + winter melon tea... Its nice leh~Princess Xuan loves it too...

Next is e sunflower plantation nei~ E sunflower are all so lovely~ Sumore, I can pick e flowers miself... So, in e end, I PICK 3 SUNFLOWERS...

Im nt sure hw did Bibi took dis foto de... there's no 1 behind mi... Its like I own dis sunflower plantation wor... V nice~

Its e strawberry plantation le...Can pick those strawberries ourself too, but cuz e strawberries doesnt look v red to mi... so I gif up e idea

Den, here is e place whereby dere various of chilli that we had neva seen be 4 de...

I love e next stop too... E ROSE PLANTATION! Bibi bought mi a rose which i love it... So sweet of him~

Different types of pumpkin

I dunno wat is dis

E moment Princess Xuan saw e merry-go-round... She pointed to mi saying that she wants it!!!She wans to sit on it...

Gif mi 5

Princess Xuan is e one controlling e robot... She made mi so scared cuz we nearly bang into others & Bibi whu is taking e fotos

We are eating Strawberry sausage... Doesnt taste as delicious as e original flavour sausage...

Dis Le Tea drink is mi fav... Apple flavour de...


Mi fav fotos...Loves e sunset & Princess Xuan smile

Princess Xuan & Bibi 挤牛奶

Bibi 被拉耳朵

den, is e part on e luminous fish

On our way home

We were so tired & shagged after a long dae le...
~2nd Dae Of Lunar New Year~
Oni went Kenting to haf steak for dinner den to e garden downstairs to put firecrackers cuz it was damn tired yest... & summore we r going out e next dae...so gonna haf sum rest todae!

**Dae 3 of Lunar New Year**
Went 娃娃国 on e 3rd dae of new year... Cuz Bibi & mi feel tat Princess Xuan wld loves e place... It was at Kaohsiung dis time round...Moreover, it was realli hot & sunny on e dae! Entrance fee was cheap oso... NT100 per person oso!

Pororo,One of Princess Xuan fav cartoon characters

On both daes... I mean e daes when we go out de, ALOT OF PPL COMMENTED TAT PRINCESS XUAN LOOKS SO CUTE & SWEET!!!! Sae she looks like a DOLL!!! 洋娃娃 nei~ hehe... Im so proud tat im Princess Xuan's mama... Muahahaha... Bibi is proud of Princess Xuan too~ Its so fun to doll up mi own daughter & ppl praise her!

~ { 7:21 PM }
reflections of you and me;