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Sunday, January 28, 2007

!!!Idol met Accident!!!
Watched e news yest... & realised tat Xu Wei Lun, e ger idol whu acted in e Zhuang Qiu Xiao Zhi,zaizai & lee wei's ex-gerfrenz,met wif an car accident on fridae!!! Her condition was quite serious, cuz her injury was almost all on e upper body, esp her brain!!! She was still in a coma, tink rated 3 ( e greater e no, e better condition she wld be)... She's still in e emergency ward... So, pray hard for her... Hope she wld get better soon~ Jia You~
P.S: Watched e news tonite & came to noe of a bad news!!! Xu Wei Lun was announced dead at bt 7+pm... In memories of her...

~ { 2:09 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Friday, January 26, 2007

Ard 7 sumting last nite... While Bibi was using e com, I felt a little shake... it was a horizontally shake lor... Nt a v vigorously shake but one can still feel it... So, without ani delay, Bibi opened e door & get e key while I quickly carried Princess Xuan & ran out of e door!

We ran down thru e staircase... On our way down, I heard Alison's voice... tink they are oso making their way down bah... But, v funni de hor is tat we r e oni 2 families, of e whole building, whu ran down to e open space leh...( Kris & Huiling went out for dinner so was nt in, but wat bt e taiwanese leh??? Hmmm...) Aniway, I did nt see Alison at e front door open space cuz I realised tat she act escaped frm e back door... ( Noe it when I called her after e whole ting)...

On our way down, cuz there's worker fixing dunno wat pipe at e staircase, so when 1 of them saw we ran down, he oso followed, quite funni lor! Btw, it was so dangerous on mi way down lor, cuz as i sae they were fixing e pipe tingy rite, so e pipe was blocking our way on certain stairs, so I had to carry Princess Xuan & cross over lor... Wah liew! tink I Jacky Chan ah... doing all e stunt.. So Bibi told them to finish their work quicky & nt block e emergency way ( of cuz in a polite way)...

Den, bt 10-15mins later, Bibi & I decided to return to our hse, (for ur info, it was cold lor-winter nei~ & Bibi wore oni a boxer, no shirt ah, & I din wear mi BRA leh...but of cuz I gt T-shirt ah...Wahahaha)...So it was quite embarassing oso lor~ Hehe*...Luckily, I was carrying Princess Xuan so she helped to block oso... Muahahaha...

We were so careless & stupid to take e lift up oso leh...luckily, nth happen! Thru e info on e website, we found tat dis time round, e earthquake occur at Taitung, & it was rated 6.2.... But here, we experienced rated 3 ... So, after tat, Bibi & I decided to change & went out to shop around for bt 1-2 hours 1st...(cuz if u realli wanna run, it wld be faster to run out of e car den run down 6 storey rite?)

In e end, we went to meet Iris & Kris & shop for our groceries lor... We returned home at 9.30pm.... & everything was okay le~ No worries!

~ { 11:55 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Mi love
Oh!!! I haven been blogging for 1 week nei~ Act I din even notice tat until I saw e date on e last entry... Cuz nth unusual happening for e past 1 week...
Watch "zhuan jiao yu dao ai" cast by xiao zhu luo zhi xiang & da S last sundae... Waoo~ Da S looks so pretty inside e show nei~ Loves e way she dress & xiao zhu looks shuai too... Act wanna watch dis show cuz of e 2 of them de... They are way way damn too attractive le lor...

Will continue to catch e show de...

Aniway, Bibi & mine 2nd year wedding anniversary is cuming... It's on e 11th Feb, 3 daes before e Valentine Daes, so we r gonna combine e 2 celebration... To save money oso lor... Muahahaha... cuz Bibi dun allow mi to buy stuff for him...stuff= shirt, bag... Hence, Im nw making sumting for him~ Cant mention it here cuz Bibi wld read mi blog de~ Wait till e dae le, den I wld post e ting here...

Counting, we had been together for like 6 yrs + le, since 15... But, to e both of us, we r still having our honeymoon period nei~... Yup, I wld alwuz "sa jiao" to him de... all e gers wld do this de mah..bu shi mah?? & I can feel tat he is v deng mi de lor~ even thou he wld look at gers when we go shoppin... No choice lah, he's a guy & tw gers r realli pretty, I mean sum of them...nt all!

Nw, we haf Princess Xuan to acc e 2 of us le... She adds joy & luffer & happiness to our already meaningful life... I realli loves Princess Xuan & Bibi..I noe it sounds mushy, but I realli mean it~ Bear wif mi plz...

Aniway, we r planning for a 2nd baby 2-3 years later... 1st, we wld get a flat, settle down le... Den Bibi wld try to do sum investment... Den, followed by our 2nd baby... I haf even tot of a ger name, (okay, if i gif birth to a baby ger lah), she wld be Jermaine Chantelle Tay Ke En... If a boy, I cant tink of ani leh...wahaha....boy's name is vvvv hard to tink of lor~ Agree? Jerome? Jared? help plz.... but I wan to start wif J de ah... den C ah... Thanz....

Btw, Bibi bought mi dis heart pendant last sundae... He's so sweet hor?! Its nt a v ex gift, but I loves it... Im a happie woman~

~ { 2:22 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, January 18, 2007

*More PiCs*
Juz normal pics on Princess Xuan...As a record for mi for her growing up process~ Casual pix taken at home...

Does Princess Xuan looks pretty wearing a hair band?

Nice buttocks ah


~Lunch @ Smokey Joe's~
Went Kenting yest for e farewell lunch of Huiling & Alison~ Huiling gonna return to Sg dis mth le while Alison wld be going back in March le! Haiyo..fewer & fewer ppl le lah! Tink e next 1 to go back to Sg after Alison wld be mi le bah~ Hmm...
Chose a black+ grey dress + brown boots for Princess Xuan todae... She looks like a Princess nei~ hor? so pretty! Ppl commented tt she realli looks cute leh~

Anw, acc Alison to e market to shop for boots in e morning before meeting wif e other taitais in e aftn...E shoe at e market is damn cheap lor! Alison gt herself a pair of heels & 3 shoes for her daughter, Tingting... Total oni costs her NT800+ bah...cheap rite?
Den, Huiling & Kris came to join Alison & mi to go to Kenting together~ Supposedly to meet Iris & e rest at 12noon de..but we reached dere lyk bt 12.45pm... We r damn late hor! So sorrie!
So, together, dere r 7 adults, 2 kids & 4 babies... Ordered quite alot of food...Expected we cant finish all lor~ Mi & Kris shared e smoked chicken...*Delicious* But e serving was so so so big...even e 2 of us cant finish it...E rest ordered their own dishes too + mani side dishes to share among all of us... E bill cum up to NT3740 to divide among e 5 of us...cuz Alison & huiling leaving le, & so we r treating them to dis meal... Im so clear bt e price cuz im e one collecting e money mah...
We took sum fotos together before we leave e place~

~Front: Dave, Didi~

~Back: Audrey, Princess Xuan, Lele, Tingting~

*All e lovely children*

~E 4 babies~

This is e 4 babies, all of e same age... Eldest being Princess Xuan ( July bb), den Lele( July bb too, but 1 week smaller den Xuan), den Didi (Aug bb), follow by Dave ( sept bb)... Do Re Mi Fa ah~ Cute hor?

Didi looks so pro

Princess Xuan looks so cute

Princess Xuan looks like a doll...

Princess Xuan & her mama

Does Princess Xuan looks cute wearing litat ne?

E taitais gang

Chat wif Peiling juz nw on msn...She mentioned tt she's cuming to Kaohsiung uni for an exchange programme on e 19th Feb *during e CNY*... So, we planned to celebrate our CNY together here in Tw... wif a guy called Jialong...Peiling's frenz...& e guy frm Mfss oso, same age as Peiling, & Jialong happened to be working at e same place as Bibi...*Bibi & Jialong noe each other* ( cuz working together ah)...So, will bring Peiling to tour ard Kaohsiung bah..as Im quite familiar wif e place oso nei~

~ { 2:36 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Friday, January 12, 2007

*~~New Shoe~~*
Bibi is so so so gd tat he bought boots for Princess Xuan & mi leh~ Tat nite at e nite market, I saw dis wonderful boots tat realli suit Princess Xuan lor... So nice nei~ It cums in 3 colour de, gt brown, black & dark pink! I like e brown colour de while Bibi prefers e dark pink colour de... Aiyoh..." y alwuz pink.." I told Bibi, den finally, he agreed to get e brown 1 de... See, I so powerful ah~ Wahahaha~
Dis is e boots tat we bought for Princess Xuan...Guess hw much it costs...NT500 nei~ Nt cheap lor..but worth it! So nice~*Woo*

Den here cum mi boots le...Bibi bought for mi yest de.. at e market! Surprise tat they sold nice boots at e market hor~ Im alwuz v surprise nei! Anw, mi boots costs NT390...See... cheaper den Princess Xuan de, tats y i sae her boots ex lor...
Anw, I cant decide whether to get another 1 which is of e higher length de or dis 1..but Bibi sae he prefer dis, so get this lor~ Another 1 is of another design de... Bibi sae tat design nt tat nice... Okay, listen to him bah...

Btw, Im tinking to perm mi hair leh... Den perm le, go back Sg to dye~ Cuz Bibi wanna mi to change image lor.. He sae I haf dis long rebonded hair for v long liao le... Either I perm mi long hair & get dye or I cut till shoulder length & get it rebond...so which 1 nei??? Suggestion plz...

~ { 1:55 PM }
reflections of you and me;