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Sunday, December 24, 2006

~Such A "wonderful" Xmas~

Suddenly I feel so boring over here in Taiwan! I spent e most peaceful ( Pin An ye) Christmas Eve in mi whole life wor...

~Mi Christmas Eve~

  1. Had a splendid dinner prepared by Bibi
  2. Went nite market
  3. Came home

Indeed a pin an ye ah??? So damn damn peaceful nei~

Actually I wld alwuz make a trip down to either suntec city or Orchard Rd for countdown every christmas eve de (Okay, when Im in Singapore lor)... But dis yr, Its damn BORING BORING de lor! Felt so down nei~ Felt so lonely too! I miss mi frenz, miss mi family, miss Singapore food~


HaiZzzz.... Hw am I gona go thru new yr leh??? Hmm... No matter wat, I haf to tink of sumting to do on tat dae... Muz make it a nt-so-boring dae! I DUN CARE! Hmph~

~ { 10:42 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Friday, December 22, 2006

New frenz
Hmmm...Hadnt been blogging for quite long le... Cuz nth speshow happened for e past few daes lor... Yup, Judy went back to Singapore todae le... E taitai clinqe has 1 less person le... Howeva, juz gt to noe a new taitai sum daes ago, She came here oni lyk in e early Dec while I was hafing fun in Taipei...Summore, she has a son e same age as Princess Xuan leh, juz tat 1 week smaller den Xuan, Yeah! Princess Xuan has 1 more companion le! Aniway, heard tt there's a new taitai cuming on e 29th Dec le.. & Summore she's staying opp mi( we wld be staying on e same floor)..Yeah!

Btw, Bibi told mi yest tt e appeal for our extension here in Tw is nt approve leh, but he will try again for 1 more time...wif e help of e QM( his superior)! Haizzz... Im already well-prepared to stay here for 2 yrs le, den nw litat... When Im already beginning to settle down to e life here le, Im told tt extension mite nt be successful... *Kao*.. Wanna save more money here de leh! So tat when I return to Singapore, I could get mi own house de leh! * really kao*...

So every1... Pray hard for mi ah!

Aniway, Bibi gonna do his duty tonite..*again!!!*So sick when he gt to do his duty 2 times every mth... So sian de lor! But Bibi sae wat to do! Imagine... doing duty on e dong zhi...a dae whereby family reunite to eat dang yuan leh & its Princess Xuan 1st time celebrating Dong zhi nei( last yr Princess Xuan was too young & was drinking milk milk oni, she still cant eat anithing mah)... So for ur info, we had our dang yuan yest nite, Early celebration lor! So, gers, go home & haf dang yuan wif ur papa mama...*hehe*...They wld be so happie! (I tink Im getting lyk an auntie le) Hmm.....

So, enjoy ur christmas, haf fun counting down at city hall or orchard rd ah....

~ { 4:27 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, December 18, 2006

~Merry Season~
~Taiwan Food~
Bought dis at e market...V crispy! Quite delicious but v full after finishin all... Wahahaa~
Small crabs
Small prawns..Ppl called it e prawn monkey( in hokkein) here...Actually dis is prawn..dunno why include monkey..Hmmm...
E fish cooked by Bibi... So yummy... Princess Xuan likes it~
~Christmas Prezzie~
As I sae, Bibi bought mi mine christmas prezzie leh... Yeah! So gd of Bibi~ Initially, we wanna go visit other parts of Taiwan rite? But, after tinking, Bibi & mi decided to use e extra cash to pamper ourself wif e ting tat we had alreadi eyed for for a v long time le~ So, Bibi bought a translator while he bought a make up set for mi...Keke~

Dis translator costs bt NT3990... But cuz Bibi needs it for work... So muz well bought it as a christmas prezzie..Gee~
Its a light blue colour, cuz oni gt orange & blue~

Here cums mine prezzie~

~E cover~

E inside~ Dis box costs us bt NT2490...Its oni e foundation..as in e base oni..

Den Bibi went Watson to get this for mi..Gt blushes, mascara & lipstick~ Total cost NT1000 bah...
Gt mi christmas prezzie le.. So hw bt u???

Yummy Yummy
Princess Xuan eating persimmon~

Looks gd ah..
E fruit here tastes v sweet! Every fruit tt I bought here all are so yummy yummy yum yum... Even e pineapple is sweet de nei! Wanna go pick strawberries at e strawberries farm here leh...but too faraway le, shd I?

~ { 4:16 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Friday, December 15, 2006

Qing Qing
Princess Xuan learnt a new song todae... Unlike e rest of e babie whu learnt to sing nursery rhythm 1st, Princess Xuan noes hw to sing "qing qing" by Fish Leong Jing Ru... Yup, she oni noe hw to sing e word " qing qing"... Wahahahaaa... Clever ah! Realli... Next time can ask her to sing for u...(",)v

~ { 10:31 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, December 14, 2006

~*A Peaceful Dae*~
Juz recovered frm fever... but still keep on " lao sai" leh...*hehe, abit uncivilised ah* Wahahahaaa.....but I dun care nei! Aniway, felt so irony, Princess Xuan is hafing constipation while her mummy is having diarrhoea...Hmm...So weird de!
Aniway, Brought Princess Xuan to child specialist dis morning, tried lotsa ways in order to cure her constipation prob... Howeva, e doctor sae Princess Xuan is alrite, nth is wrong wif her! Weird! If she's alrite, den hw cum she alwuz tried so hard to squeeze out her 1st...erhem...u noe it! E doctor oso sae gif Princess Xuan lotsa fruit to eat... Aiyoh.. I oso noe lor... Bought papaya, banana, strawberry, cherry & persimmon le leh.. even brown rice which mixed wif barley blah blah blah de( cuz more healthy)... Hope Princess Xuan wld be alrite!
In addition, as I was sick todae, Bibi became e chef tonite, btw, he wld be e chef when he's nt working aniway...*giggles* cuz he cook gd food..Yummy delicious food! Here's mi dinner for tonite...
E 1st dish being e soup... Princess Xuan fav soup ---> ABC soup... Ppl called it e ABC soup probably becuz there's vitamin A, B & C inside bah... I dunno! It's damn healthy lor....
  • Cut e ingredients into small pieces( carrots, radish, corn, potatoes)
  • Allow e water to boil
  • Add in e spare ribs ( but muz make sure tt e spare ribs haf gone thru hot water to qu xue shui, if nt, e soup will haf a bloody taste de)
  • Add in e radish, carrots, corn & onion
  • Lastly, throw e potatoes inside when e ingredients above are almost ready, dis is becuz potatoes will becum lan if u put into e soup too early
  • Bring e soup to boil & e dish is ready le

~E ABC soup~
Okay, here cum e main course of e dae.. sum of u mite nt like it... Tink oni Audrey wld like it & tink vien wun like it de.. Wahahahaa~ Its pig stomach + bamboo shoot + mushroom rice.. It is so so so yummilicious lor! So nice! I love it... Erm..Bibi wanna yi3 du4 gong1 du4 izzit?? wahahaha.. cuz mi stomach nt feeling well, so he cook pig stomach to boost mi stomach mah? *haha*
  • Cut e pig stomach & bamboo shoot into pieces
  • Add e mushroom, pig stomach & bamboo shoot into e wok & stir fry them
  • Put in oyster sauce, chilli padi & a little bit of salt
  • Men ( so called braised mah???) e dish till e pig stomach is soft enuff
  • u muz cook e dish for like hrs den oni e pig stomach wld be soft
Pig stomach + bamboo shoot + mushroom rice... yummy..realli, no bluff!
  • Chill e cherry
  • Serve

E cherry looks gd rite? So ex leh... NT200 leh
Tats all.. dis is mi dinner for todae...Im so full eating e wonderful splendid dinner prepared by Bibi.. Btw, Bibi gonna cook glutinous rice later...Aiyoh~ Hw am i gonna lose 8 kg litat ah???

~ { 5:22 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, December 11, 2006

***!Taipei Trip!***
Sorrie for e late blogging cuz I was sick e last few daes, had fever up to 38.3 nei.. Felt so miserable! *Eeek* But, luckily Bibi dun haf to work so I was well taken care of...Slept e whole dae dis morning till bt 1pm to haf mi brunch ( white bread wif natella, lyk tt spell mah)Aniway, Im much beta nw le...
Finally Im back frm Taipei le..Waa~ Bibi drove for 8 hrs up to taipei & 8 hrs back home.. damn tiring for him lor... Too bad I cant drive, if nt i mite be able to share e burden...Hehe~ Its nt fun travelling for like more den 500 km a dae de... Tat will burn ur ass lor, dun eva try dis... cuz we r train de.. Wahahahaa~~

...~ Day 1~...
We woke up at 7+am & prepared everyting before we left e hse... brought a super duper big luggage... which are mostly Princess Xuan's clothes lor.. Scared tt she mite be cold cuz its winter over here, tats y brought lotsa jackets & cardigan along.. we even brought e milk bottle steriliser, so u can imagine e amt of stuff we brought dere...Hehe~ Typical Singaporean ah... too kiasu le! *giggles*
As normal, we took our breakfast at e breakfast shop before we proceed to Taipei...
***On e way***

...Look at hw relax Princess Xuan's is...

After 8 hrs of journey, we reached Taipei le.. *Phew* At last leh... Feel so drained e 1st dae le... Aniway, still gonna search for a hotel to stay in...So proceed to e hotel near Shilin nite market ( recommend by Iris), e hotel is lyk Sg$100 per nite, tink tats nt too ex & there's free breakfast provided too...E most impt ting is its near Shilin nite market, a 10mins walk oni, tink its quite convinence! Wats more, we r tired to find more hotel to compare e price le, so muz well choose tt le...
Went to e hotel 1st to "unload" everyting...hehe~ den "fly" all e way to Shilin to get mi dinner... Yup, im damn hungry wif all e travelling le..*keke*Order kuangdong porridge for both Bibi n mi...& we shared e guang cai ban, toast bread wif chicken stuffing n sauce, both were delicious...*highly recommend* (",)v

Waiting for our food to cum

See! Princess Xuan is so happie counting e money

..Princess Xuan is impatient le..

We shop till like 10+pm after our dinner before we returned to e hotel to rest...Shilin nite market is super big lor... Gd for shopping & definitely fun to shop if its during e summer... cuz its winter nw, & all e clothes tt sold dere were either too thick or long sleeve de.. so its super hard to get miself sum clothes tt i could bring back to Sg to wear de... So sad!
...~Day 2~...
Woke up as early as 8.30am to haf mi bath & breakfast at e hotel before we 'shang lu'...Cuz e time is still early, so Bibi & mi decided to go to guo fu ji nian guang 1st, its much easy to drive on e 2nd dae den e 1st dae, cuz Bibi gt e hand of it le & oso he had rest enuff ( E road in Taiwan dun allow left turn on every lane de.. if u wanna left turn, u haf to drive all e way up till there's a sign tat sae left turn...in order to u-turn, & normally its v far away de lor...so troublesome de)

~Taiwan 101 tower~

>>>>Guo Fu Ji Nian Guang<<<<

~E guo fu~

Its damn hot de lor

I feel tt e guo fu looks abit like Yusof Isaak leh...Dun u tink so? Hmm...

Inside e museum
Before we go off frm e museum, we saw e changing parade of e guards whu r supposedly to guard e guo fu in e 1st pic de... Every movement of e guards was so exact...even e banging of their rifles on e ground was e same..oni 1 'bang' sound...their marching was v neat & tidy too~ Every seconds & mins were so so so exact...Pei fu~

Den, We continued our journey to wu fen pu to shop, it was damn big...but e stuff dere was nt actually v cheap, bought a top dere... den after tt we went to dunno wat shopping centre...If im nt wrong, it shd be Mei Li Hua ba, went dere to shop cuz its hot in e outdoor.. wahahaa~

Its NT599... Audrey, u wanna get it? So cute & sweet rite?

Audrey, look @ dis!

Princess Xuan loves e ride v much..its NT30 every ride~ Nt bad if u r tired & dun wanna walk, it could bring u ard e storey!!

Den, We went for our dinner at e food court, I ordered Sg style curry mee while Bibi ordered Hainanese Chicken Rice... E Curry mee sucks lor.. & Bibi being so sweet tt he exchanged his chicken rice wif mi...*hehe* Bibi so gd hor?

After dinner, its time for ferris wheel! Aiyoh... Im so so so scared de lor, but cuz Bibi sae he wanna sit e ferris wheel, so no choice! As u noe, I haf height phobia de lor, so dun be fool by e fotos... u dun expect mi to frown in e pix mah! *giggles* Btw, e ride is considered cheap lor, its oni NT150 per person & Princess Xuan doesnt haf to pay... So actualli its worth it! But too bad, its e wrong person riding it... dun realli dare to look down! Arghhh~
Moreover, Bibi & Princess Xuan being so bad lor, Im already so scared in e cabin le, & Bibi actualli fart inside e tiny-little-almost-fully-enclosed cabin nei, wat e hell! Its super super super duper x100 smelly, can! I almost fainted inside leh!*exagerated abit lah* but realli damn smelly de lah! But Im realli so scared by e height tt I dun even dare to get angry...Fear overpowers Anger... & Princess Xuan kept jumping & walking ard in e tiny cabin...Thanz god tt I still survive, nt oni for e height but oso for e air pollution man! So every1..plz.. DUN FART WHEN U R TAKING E FERRIS WHEEL!
Aniway, here r e pix taken on e ferris wheel~ Enjoy!

E ferris wheel was damn beautiful in e nite...

The nite scenery of Taipei... Romantic!

Princess Xuan was nt scared at all... Its so gd to be a kid!

I duno where i was looking at.. Hmmm..

So high hor?!
~Time to make funni faces~

...So sick of e stoopid big pimple beside mi rite eyebrow...

So hard to make Princess Xuan smileZzz & take foto

After e ferris wheel, Bibi drove us to Rao He nite market to walk walk & eat eat... There was nt too mani ppl dere cuz was during e wkdae... Bought twisted potato chip & korean spicy Nian gao, it was delicious! Yummy Yum Yum, muz try tt when u go dere...U sure wun regret it...Aniway, Bibi bought mi a necklace dere... Oni NT200, loves it so much.. Thanz Bibi~

...~Day 3~...

As usual, had our breakfast & continued our journey to e Taipei underwater world... E underwater world dere was so small, smaller den e 1 at Kenting de... But cuz it is combined wif e Yoyo Sea Park, summore e entrance fee was nt too ex, oni Nt380 per person, so it was still alrite...

The turtle is vvv big

Princess Xuan loves e characters...

It was still early so we went to Xi Men Ding to shop again *giggles*... I bought a mini skirt dere...thou e skirt is abit ex, I feel tat e skirt is mi style so without further ado, I bought it at NT390...keke...& cuz we are unsure of where to explore le, so in e end, Bibi & mi returned to Shilin nite market to haf our dinner ( we had steamboat for e nite) & walk walk again, as we did nt realli comb e entire nite market on e 1st dae due to tiredness... *hehe*
...~Day 4~...
Made our way to Xin Guang San Yue shopping mall to get Princess Xuan her toy 1st...as Bibi & mi promised to buy her a toy...hence we muz keep to our promise... We arrived at e shopping mall at 10.15am, & waited like 45 mins for e mall to open...
Lastly, Dis is our last destination for e Taipei trip, initially, we are unsure of which place to visit before going back to Hengchun...Stuck in between e Xiao Ren Guo & Liu Fu Chun, so indecisive as in dunno which to visit... But, finally, we decided on Xiao Ren Guo as there's a theme park inside tt place whereby Princess Xuan could enjoy herself!
Plz do nt tink tt I took e pix frm v far away... In actual fact, every single ting there was v small... It was so cute! In addition, we haf to take a "boo boo" train frm one part to e other part de... Frm all e small models to e theme park... So interesting hor?

Plz dun tink as thou Im holding Princess Xuan, in fact she's e 1 dragging mi

Princess Xuan is as big as e building

~Princess Xuan loves to walk~


The Great Wall Of China

Supporting e Eiffel Tower


Sitting on e boat goin ard for sight seeing...

It was ard 4pm when we drove back to Hengchun... An 8 hrs of journey again! So tired, esp mi ass... Luckily there's rest station along e way home... Taipei was fun! Will visit Taipei again when there's time... Thou I mite nt bought lotsa stuff dere, but I realli enjoy it~ Aniway, waiting for mi Christmas prezzie frm Bibi...*giggles*

...Back Home...

The 2-in-1 toy tt we bought for Princess Xuan

~Look @ e 2 big boxes of toys tt Princess Xuan has~

Look @ Princess Xuan's stomach, so Cute~ hehe

I look weird wearing mi spec..keke

Princess Xuan looks more & more like Bibi le... Aniway, looking forward to christmas den I can get mi prezzie le.. *giggles*...Im a happie woman...lalala...(",)v

~ { 3:05 PM }
reflections of you and me;