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Thursday, November 30, 2006

*~Nth Special~*
Went fishing wif Iris & family yest nite... So unlucky~ Bibi din caught anithing last nite... He is alwuz so suay, alwuz din catch ani fishy fishy de... As a result, we ended up payin NT300 for e meaningless 2 hrs...Howeva, Andy (Iris's hubby) caught an eel at e last min be4 its times up to return e fishing rod to e counter... So lucky for them~ Tink they gonna haf a wonderful eel porridge tonite le...

But nvm, its alrite! Cuz Bibi is on leave todae & so tat means i wld be having a delicious meal le... We r going to haf an home-cooked ai xin pai chicken rice tonite...Yeah~ Princess Xuan loves e Chicken rice cooked by her papa... Yesh! She loves CHICKEN RICE....ONI E RICE! *giggles*....nt e chicken, she wld pui out e meat when its given to her... V tiao shi rite!? HaiZzzz....

Chicken Rice( Forgot to take foto of e rice*SmileZzz*)

Aniway, Bibi brought us out for brunch dis morning...Had a taiwanese style cai fan, taste normal... Den, proceed to e supermarket to get our groceries & pharmacy to buy Princess Xuan's milk powder... Decided to change another brand of milk powder for Princess Xuan cuz e former milk powder which she is drinking, S26 Gold, cuz Xuan to haf constipation... Yet, S26 Gold is e 2nd type of milk powder tat she's drinking le & its giving her e same problem as Smiliac, e 1st milk powder tat Xuan drank, CONSTIPATION! So poor ting~ Pity Princess Xuan... Nw, chose Enfagrow for Princess Xuan, am goin to observe her for e following dae... Hope tat Enfagrow could change e problem...*Pray hard*

After tat, Bibi returned to his camp for a while cuz his boss is lookin for him before we proceed home...& its oni nw tat i realised tat we forgot to make our trip to e provision shop to buy crysanthemum n luohanguo to brew herbal tea for Princess Xuan & Bibi... Wat e shit~ Since yest nite, I had asked Bibi to remind mi to get e 2 ting & nw.....I still haven gt it!!!!!

Gona upload more of Princess Xuan's foto soon...

~ { 2:31 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Wat is Happiness? Hw do u define happiness? Happie... A simple yet complicated word! Mani ppl tink tat being e richest in e world is e happiest person on earth? Or...being Miss Universe? I doubt it... To mi, I felt tat being loved by e person of whom u loved is e happiest of all...or having a yummilicious meal cooked by Bibi when im damn damn hungry~or having a big tight hug hug frm Princess Xuan when im down...or having a morning kiss or a gd nite kiss frm Princess Xuan & Bibi...or Princess Xuan sayanging or kissing mi...or going out on a trip wif Princess Xuan & Bibi, be it aniwhere...or relaxing on e sofa on a lazy sat watching e most boring show wif Princess Xuan & Bibi...or Bibi saying "I love U" to mi...or.....or....or.........I can sae im a happie woman... lalala....~

*~Happie~Xin fu*

~ { 3:29 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

~...Such A BoRiNg Dae...~
Cooked tom yam kung yest & Bibi commented tat its yummilicious...*hehe*... He gif mi a rating of 8.5/10 nei...High mark rite?! Its an A, u noe? Wahaha...Ani1 wanna haf a try? Can cum bookin when i return to SG yo... Start booking nw ah!!! Am i bhb? I tink i am...Wahahaha...But nvm, i noe bibi, Princess Xuan & all mi frenz love it...*keke*...Am going to cook macaroni soup (Princess Xuan fav) tonite... HaiZzzz... Wat can a home maker do? All she can do is to tink wat to cook n cook n cook...mite sounds Pathetic to u all! Howeva, I love mi life nw!!! As a xiao nu ren...Dun envy mi( which i noe u do)...*giggles*

Btw, gt a bad news frm Bibi dis morning, He sae tat our extension in Tw mite nt be approved till 2008 ( initially, Bibi's service here ends in bt june 2007 but we wanna extend till 2008), cuz e person whu is going to take over Bibi's task here wanna to go back to SG to study when he completed his service here...which is suppose to be starting in 2007 & ends in 2008 de....& if our extension is approved, his plan mite haf to delay by 1 year...Pray tat tat guy cld delay his plan by 1 yr...hehe...Wil inform u all again when i haf gt a confirmed answer frm Bibi...

Here is mi latest family foto when i took during mooncake fest, went BBQ wif e other family here...Quite long le..Cuz gt it frm Iris jux nw oni...So i shall upload here...But hor, i feel tat i look so weird wif mi spec on... & wif mi hair so messy( tied up in a v loose way cuz e rubber band sucks)... Yucks!!! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee............... Plz dun luff at mi ah... U sure haf sum funi fotos too, rite?! *keke* But, on e other hand, Princess Xuan looks so cute n sweet while Bibi looks cute n young too...*giggles* Yeah..YOUNG!!! Alot of ppl sae tat he looks younger den mi when i did nt da ban...but in actual fact, he is 3 weeks elder den mi, Yah, 3 WEEKS...exactly 3 weeks nei...Whu tells him to haf a boyish look leh... Haizzz...& summore his complexion is so gd, at least beta den mine lor... but i am working hard on mi complexion nw, trying on e new facial product tat Bibi bought for mi, mi frenz sae tat mi complexion looks much beta nw le.. Yoohoo~ Am goin to buy mi new consealer, toner n makeup remover soon le... Wait till I get mi remittance next mth~~~('',)v

*~Mi family~*

E 2 guys here lyk selling satay hor? Wahaha...

~ { 1:37 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, November 26, 2006

~Alot of PhotoSsss~
*** ~ Farewell Lunch~***
We had our farewell lunch for Judy & Amanda on e 16th Nov at Smoky Joes located at Kenting... So Sad~ (Sobsob) Both of them wld be returning to SG in dec le...Hence, our taitais gang wld becum smaller n smaller le...HaiZzzz...Wif Judy back in SG, there will be no1 helping mi to carry Princess Xuan when we go for our lunch n w/o Amanda ard, there will be no1 driving le, SO I HAF TO WALK TO HENGCHUN CITY IN E FUTURE LE!! Waa~ *miserable*

~Princess Xuan wif Tingting~

Princess Xuan looks like a teddy bear
Left to right: Didi( Princess Xuan's bf), Tingting & Princess Xuan

Left to right:Inest w Dave, Alison w Tingting, Judy, Amanda w ah boy n Audrey, Iris w didi n Huixin, *mi w Princess Xuan*


""~Xuan eating Frence Fries~""
Bought french fries frm e night market for Princess Xuan... One of her fav food, another 1 of her fav food is nuggets~

@Yummy yummy Yum yum@


---***Kaohsiung Trip ***---
Woke up at 4.50am on Sat to prepare miself...Decided to wear a black princess sleeve shirt wif mi red jumper, chose e korean dress for Princess Xuan & nt forgetting bibi... Pick an orange tee wif his fav 3/4 pants. (",)v

Bibi slept at 3 or 4am last nite so he was damn tired when i woke him up at 5.30am...Pity him as he still has to drive an 2hrs journey later to Kaohsiung *Poor ting, daddy*

After all e washing up & everything, we left our hse at bt 6am. First, we head to e nearby breakfast stall to get our breakfast. Got miself a sandwich & soya bean milk while bibi got himself a youtiao & guotie...We ate on e car cuz we r rushing for time....( 2 hrs journey) Den, Head down to chang gen hospital for Princess Xuan to take her injection. As usual, We r early...& in fact, Vvvv early...Waited for lyk 1 hour for our turn nei! Stupid hospital---> told mi to reach before 8.30am but they started at oni 9+am... Wat e shit! make mi wake up so early~Miss mi beauty sleep...Wahahaha....

---%Princess Xuan wif her Papa%---

---^Princess Xuan wif her Mama^---

Princess Xuan kissing her Mama~

At e hospital waiting for our number to be called... Long waiting!!!So ended up taking fotos~

!...Helping Princess Xuan to clip up her hair w her cherry clip...!

~Chicky Princess Xuan~
But im nt sure whether tat is a chick or a duck? Wat do u tink? Bibi sae its a chick!!!

After e injection, its like 10+ am le, Im damn hungry de... But took sum time to find our way to Qi Jing, a habour whereby ppl go there for seafood, & again took sum time to find e restaurant...Bibi placed order while i rushed to e washroom..Tink mi bladder gt pro on e dae, keep rushing for toilet leh! Okay, anyway, Bibi ordered fried oyster, steam fish(shi ban), pig intestine, sweet n sour pork ribs & cockles...Yesh, & free oranges...(Princess Xuan loves it) total price ading up to NT650, bt SG $30+ bah...

Waiting for our food to cum~

Here cums e food...

The fish is delicious *wenhui, smell it* wahaha...The rest tastes normal lor.. Tink e seafood restaurant we went e 1st time taste alot beta..& e price oso alot diff lah~ hehe~

Then, after our lunch, We went to hanshen mall to shop for Sg curry n Hainanese Chicken Rice, oni e supermarket dere sells dis...Sg delights.. I miss u!!!

The multi-storey carpark at e mall..Special ah....

Bibi driving

While i take fotos...hehe~(Bao pi jian fei---> e wordings behind)

Princess Xuan is too tired le...Zzzzz

~~~At Carrefour~~~

Princess Xuan loves to take this kind of machine whereby dere's music & moves~

Bought a DVD player n sum eng vcds for Xuan to watch at home...After buying our groceries at carrefour...we proceed to xin jue jiang for mi shoes...There's alot of ppl at xin jue jiang on tat dae, so crowded! So hard to shop lor..Saw alot of stuff tat i wanna buy, but upon tinking, im going to taipei in dec le, shd save e money for tat trip, rite *hehe*Went home after tat...Reach hengchun(mi hse) at bt 10+pm & went for porridge as supper cuz we din haf our dinner.... Had a joyful yet tired dae~Phew~

E 3 vcds tat mi n bibi bought for Princess Xuan.. So ex~ bt SG $30!!!

A plain black shoe which i bought, a so called bai da shoe whereby can goes well wif every style of clothes ( at least tats wat i tink)...Bought at NT350.. SG $17+ bah...

White heels tat cost NT400..SG $20...
Loves bibi & Princess Xuan...Im a happie woman~lalalala*

~ { 9:39 PM }
reflections of you and me;